“We joined Alphabet because we wanted to build technology that improves the world. Yet time and again, company leaders have put profits ahead of our concerns. We are joining together – temps, vendors, contractors, and full-time employees – to create a unified worker voice.”
–Parul Koul and Chewy Shaw, executive chair and vice chair of the Alphabet Workers Union
Unions are the clearest, fairest pathway to good wages. The proof of that is undeniable, and it’s why wealthy corporations have fought unionization at every turn – only for the wealth gap between average workers and executives to balloon to incredible levels.
But unions can do more than advocate for higher wages. Just recently, employees of Alphabet, Google’s parent company, formed the Alphabet Workers Union, and their efforts weren’t centered on pay fairness. They organized in order to better fight sexual harassment in their workplace and oppose sickening executive payouts given to executives after they were accused of sexual harassment. They organized to better advocate for equity and to ensure their employer is hiring – and treating fairly – Black, brown, queer, trans, disabled, and female employees.
They organized because Google’s unofficial company motto used to be “don’t be evil” – and yet they have fired an employee for being critical of racist A.I. models. They tried to build a censored search engine for China. And they are cracking down on those who speak out.
We applaud the brave efforts of employees at Alphabet subsidiaries like Google. They unionized to fight for one another and to ensure one of the biggest and most consequential companies in the world is doing good for the world – and being good to its employees.
Even well-paid tech workers understand that unions are about more than paychecks – they're about giving workers a voice loud enough that even CEOs all the way up in their boardrooms can hear. We devote our lives to our jobs, and unions ensure that all our hard work doesn't serve morally atrocious causes.
So right now, we want to hear from supporters like you. It’s so critical that grassroots organizations like ours stand in solidarity with unionization efforts – and we need 5,000 more people to answer the following question:
Are unions beneficial to society?