The U.N. consistently employs a double standard in its treatment of Israel, condemning the Jewish state while ignoring acts of genocide and other massive human rights violations committed by other countries.
In addition to the General Assembly, the U.N. has many different specialized bodies dedicated to specific issues, such as health, human rights, women’s rights and labor rights—areas in which Israel has made major contributions.
Sadly, those U.N. bodies have also been used to put forward ridiculous accusations aimed at singling out and demonizing Israel.
At a recent World Health Organization (WHO) meeting, what was supposed to be a discussion on the global response to COVID-19 instead turned into a four-hour session attacking Israel.
As many in the international community continue to use the U.N. as a platform to put forward ridiculous accusations aimed at singling out Israel, the United States and Israel must continue to work closely together to fight against this growing discrimination.
But American support for Israel will not simply happen. We must advocate for it, cultivate allies, and work closely with lawmakers in Congress.