Introducing Our New Board Members

We are pleased to welcome two new members to our National Research Board of scholars of the New Deal and present-day America.
  Darrick Hamilton, professor of Economics and Urban Policy at The New School in New York is a leading expert on inequality and racial disparity. As Director of the Institute for the Study of Race, Stratification and Political Economy, Darrick is a well-known policy advisor and national media commentator. He is an alumnus of Oberlin College and the University of North Carolina.   

  Laura Pulido is professor of Geography at the University of Oregon in Eugene. She is known for her work on how race, class and gender shape the places we live, the landscapes we inhabit and our relationship to nature. She is the author of many books and articles on race and justice. She started and edits the People’s Guide series on American cities, published by the University of California Press, which highlights the hidden histories of popular communities’ struggles for justice.

Living New Deal Webinar:
 "Art and Activism: Posters for Social Change"

  Our first webinar of the year, on January 7 brought together leading experts on the role of posters in social movements. Lincoln Cushing, an artist, archivist and author based in Berkeley, discussed the history of posters as tools of social change. Ennis Carter, founding director of Philadelphia-based DfSI/Social Impact Studios and author of Posters for the People, talked about posters of the WPA. She maintains an online archive  of thousands of posters created during the New Deal era. Max Slavkin, is co-founder and CEO of Creative Action Network, which runs crowdsourced, caused-based campaigns and an online marketplace for art with purpose. Max’s book, Posters for a Green New Deal, features 50 original pull-out posters by artists worldwide. Susan Ives, who directs the Living New Deal’s Communications, moderated the discussion. The webinar can be viewed on YouTube or at our Facebook page.
  The Living  New Deal-NYC will present our next webinar, “The Health of the Nation,” on public health programs during the New Deal and now. Monday, February 8, 2021, 8pm EST.
Click here to register.

Annual Report Highlights of 2020

  Despite the challenges of the pandemic, we managed to accomplish our goals in 2020. We upgraded to new fundraising software and tightened relations with donors; launched a new monthly newsletter, The Fireside; developed a strategic plan and a targeted set of funding proposals to expand our work. We deepened relationships with our Advisory Boards and National Associates, and our New York City branch has further widened the Living New Deal network. Our national online map of New Deal public works and art sites continued to expand and our website content and visitation continued to grow, in spite of a serious hack that required major repair work and new security system. View the 2020 Annual Report.
  And, finally, we wish everyone a good year–better than 2020!



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The Living New Deal
PO Box 2148
Berkeley, CA 94702

Susan Ives, Editor
Sheera Bleckman, Production

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