By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jan 25, 2021 06:26 am
Gov. Northam called Virginia’s state legislators into a special session this week to address areas that need “critical support” during a time of social unrest and the COVID-19 crisis. When the average person hears the word “critical,” legalization of marijuana is probably not top of mind.
Even so, that’s exactly what several left-wing leaders are pushing as top priority. In an Aug. 11 letter, for instance, Richmond Mayor Levar Stoney urged General Assembly leaders to “take immediate action” to “legalize marijuana” and establish a “tax system for recreational use.” Unfortunately, many people are genuinely confused by claims that regulating "recreational" marijuana will help, not harm, families.
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By Virginia Christian Alliance on Jan 24, 2021 05:36 pm
Today we mourn the loss of more than 62,000,000 innocent unborn boys and girls whose lives have been ended by abortion since 1973, and the mothers who have been physically, emotionally, and spiritually wounded. We mourn the broken families and communities, missing the contributions from souls made and meant for this world. The burden of this death toll has weighed heavily on the collective American conscience for the last 48 years.
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By The Stand on Jan 24, 2021 04:31 pm
Culture produces a way of thinking and therefore living.
Throughout Scripture, the Bible tracks two cities and the respective cultures they produce: Babylon and Zion (aka New Jerusalem). Every single one of us is owned by one of those city’s culture. Until we are saved, baptized, and filled with the Holy Spirit we are just like the apostles before Pentecost: owned by the culture of Babylon without even knowing it.
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