From NSS Media Briefing <[email protected]>
Subject Catholic sex education resource says men are ‘initiators’ and women are ‘receiver-responders’
Date January 25, 2021 8:41 AM
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** Your daily media briefing - Monday 25 January

In the Media <[link removed]> is our daily collection of news and commentary related to secularism, available delivered to your inbox. You can also read the latest news <[link removed]> and opinion <[link removed]> and listen to our podcasts <[link removed]> on our website.

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** Secularism in the media

* Catholic sex education resource says men are ‘initiators’ and women are ‘receiver-responders’ <[link removed]>

A Catholic relationship and sex education programme being used in UK schools says that contraception is "wrong" and suggests gay people should abstain from sex.


* Police break up 400-person wedding party at Stamford Hill Jewish school <[link removed]>

The wedding party took place at Stamford Hill's Yesodey Hatorah Senior Girls' School, with reports of guests fleeing the event as authorities arrived.

Jewish News

* Charedi Jewish weddings still frequently held, photographer warns <[link removed]>

Strictly-Orthodox Jewish weddings are still regularly held in flagrant disregard to Covid rules, according to one photographer who spoke out after news that an illegal Stamford Hill wedding for 400 guests was halted by police.

Jewish News

* ‘"Guardian angel" gives disaffected ultra-Orthodox Jews another choice’ <[link removed]>

Encouraged by the Netflix hit Unorthodox, Eve Sacks is expanding her work to help former Charedi Jews rebuild their lives, Jack Shamash writes.

The Times*

* 82 per cent of Scots want end to abortion clinic protests <[link removed]>

A survey found that 82% of respondents agreed that protesters should be kept a minimum distance away from those attending healthcare facilities and only 4% disagreed that women should be protected from harassment.

The National

* Prisons too soft on extremist inmates, warns terrorism watchdog <[link removed]>

Convicted terrorists are not being prosecuted for radicalising fellow inmates and extremism is being "encouraged" behind bars, the terror watchdog has warned.

The Times*

* Indian comedian held over ‘indecent’ jokes at show where he did not perform <[link removed]>

A Muslim comedian in India has been detained for more than three weeks for allegedly 'insulting' Hindu gods during a standup routine that he did not perform.

The Guardian

* Honduran lawmakers vote to lock in bans on abortion, same-sex marriage <[link removed]>

Members of the Honduran Congress have voted to amend the constitution making it much harder to reverse existing hard-line bans on abortion and same-sex marriage, as lawmakers double down on socially conservative priorities.


* Catholic Church ordered to pay millions to Australian abuse survivor

A man abused as an altar boy says he's been vindicated after winning a record payout after more than 40 years.

9 News

* Egyptian cabinet approves bill harshening penalty for female genital mutilation <[link removed]>

The Egyptian cabinet has approved a draft law that will harshen the penalty for female genital mutilation.

Egypt Independent

* ‘Argentina's abortion law enters force under watchful eyes’ <[link removed]>

Argentina's groundbreaking abortion law goes into force Sunday under the watchful eyes of women's groups and government officials, who hope to ensure its full implementation despite opposition from some conservative and church groups.

The Associated Press

* ‘How I’m overcoming the trauma of infant circumcision’ <[link removed]>

"Religion is no excuse for taking away your child's right to choose what happens to their body."

QJ Journal

** Latest from the NSS

* Give couples greater freedom over where they marry, says NSS <[link removed]>

The NSS has welcomed proposals for comprehensive reform of wedding law in England and Wales in response to a consultation.

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