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TREASON: Democrats’ First Bill of 2021 Is to Lock In Fraudulent Elections Forever
Like a third world dictatorship – we'll need the military to step up and stop the communist takeover of America.

The actual bill here — “For the People” — Yes, for the People of Communist China.

SHOCKING: The Democrats’ First ...

Expert: Biden Actions Against American Oil, Gas Energy Production Could Kill as Many as 1 Million Jobs
Watch the video from Ezra Levant below. Americans who work in the energy industry are in for the fight of their lives over the next four years. President Trump warned us that Joe Biden would relentlessly attack the energy industry if elected POTUS, ...

Biden Rescinds Trump Order Banning Chinese Communist Involvement In US Power Grid
Communist Chinese party are in charge. We were sold out by the Democrat media cabal.

Biden Rescinds Trump Order Banning Chinese Communist Involvement In US Power Grid

By: Natalie Winters, National Pulse, January 22, 2021:

President ...

15 Chinese Aircraft Enter Taiwan Air Defense Zone For 2nd Day
The CCP have their plant in the White House. Conquering Taiwan is in the bag.

15 Chinese Aircraft Enter Taiwan Air Defense Zone For 2nd Day As US Carrier Roosevelt Approaches

By Tyler Durden, Zero Hedge, Sunday, Jan 24, 2021 – 11:38 ...

Jewish group, rabbis decry Biden’s call to restore US funding to “Palestinian” terrorism

“It is utterly immoral to fund the P.A. while it continues to incite hatred and terror; glorify Jews killers in the media; and names P.A. schools, streets, government buildings, public squares and sports teams in honor of ...

VIDEO: Senator Rand Paul THRASHES ABC’s George Stephanopoulos Over ‘Voter Fraud Big Lie’
Deeeelicious. WATCH.

WATCH: Rand Paul Destroys ABC’s Stephanopoulos Over ‘Voter Fraud Big Lie’

By: Natalie Winters, National Pulse, January 24, 2021:

Senator Rand Paul debunked George Stephanopoulos’s claims that no election ...

ICE Agents Ordered to Free All Illegal Aliens in Custody: ‘RELEASE THEM ALL!’
The election was stolen by the party of treason. This was a coup. A real one. This is its aftermath.

ICE Agents Ordered to Free All Illegal Aliens in Custody: ‘Release Them All’

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) agents, tasked ...

Amazon Seeks to BLOCK All Voting by Mail in Unionization Election
“We believe that the best approach to a valid, fair and successful election is one that is conducted manually, in-person.” You can't make this stuff up.

Amazon Trying to Block Voting by Mail in Unionization Election

Amazon is seeking to ...

Bejing Biden’s ENERGY BAN Devastates New Mexico’s Economy
The citizens of New Mexico voted for President Biden by a wide margin during the last election. This is their reward. Hopefully New Mexicans will be smarter in 2022. If Pro-Trump candidates run in New Mexico for the 2022 midterm elections, than New ...

Greek Archbishop Tells the Truth About Islam, Muslim Leaders Enraged
Archbishop Ieronymos of Athens and all Greece touched off a firestorm in mid-January when he dared to note, according to the Orthodox Times, that “Islam was not a religion but a political party.” He added: “They are the people of war.” In ...

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