Hi Friend,

Just 5% of private schools opened virtually only this fall, compared to the 60% of public school students who started this school year on Zoom. 
Today kicks off National School Choice Week, and the pandemic has shown us more than ever that we need school choice.
Share your story on how the pandemic has affected your children’s or loved ones’ learning experience.
Studies have confirmed that students, especially those in the public school system who don’t have access to school choice, are losing academic ground during virtual learning. Students who come from disadvantaged backgrounds are falling behind even further. 
Researchers warn that the gaps could be even larger than what the numbers show, because so many students are simply absent from testing this year.
School choice would give families leverage and options, two things they currently lack.
Every child is different and parents deserve to have a choice when it comes to the kind of educational experience—virtual, non-virtual, private, denominational, charter, homeschool, or otherwise—their children get. 
We always celebrate all these education choices on School Choice Week, but over the last difficult year, it’s become clearer than ever that far too few American families have access to those choices. That must change.
Share your pandemic learning story today.
Inez Stepman
Senior Policy Analyst