Maine Conservation Voters


Dear John,

How can we help our lower income families own their homes? Can homeownership not only help families, but also revitalize our neglected neighborhoods? 

Join us as Nancy Williams of the Waterville Community Land Trust (WCLT) tells us about their Milliken Project that focuses on a 20-home neighborhood. WCLT provides perpetually affordable homeownership to families earning 80% or less of Waterville’s Area Median Income. WCLT renovates homes, develops parks and community gardens, protects the historic character of neighborhoods, and works to assist its residents to “green” their homes. Nancy will also discuss the wide variety of community land trusts in Maine and how they work to provide homeownership to their farming, island, and city communities. Register here to join us on Friday!







© 2021 Maine Conservation Voters
295 Water St.
Ste. 9
Augusta, ME 04330
United States
