
Have you heard the news?

Shenna Bellows is now the Secretary of State and her Senate seat is open.

Right now, there is a critical battle going on in Maine politics. As you read this email, Democrats are pouring money into Maine to tip the scales in the upcoming Special Election in Maine Senate District 14 (Chelsea, Farmingdale, Gardiner, Hallowell, Manchester, Monmouth, Pittston, Randolph, Readfield, West Gardiner, and Winthrop).

If we want to take back Maine, we MUST take back this seat.

The Maine Democrats are contacting elite donors from around the country to make massive contributions to help elect their candidate and push their radical agenda such as a 40 cent per gallon heating oil and gas tax and new gun control measures.

John, we cannot let this happen. We need to do everything we can to support our Republican candidate Will Guerrette.

Will, a local businessman, is a strong Republican who is fighting to uphold Maine's freedoms and way of life, while putting forth policies that will cut government red tape and let Mainers save more of their hard-earned money.

This past Saturday a team of volunteer door knockers braved the cold to support Will. John, will you donate $5, $10, $25, or whatever amount you can commit to help push Will to victory?

All money raised will go directly to support the election of Republican Will Guerrette.

Dr. Demi Kouzounas
Chair, Maine Republican Party