This is US foreign policy. The United States, under Barack Obama, invaded Syria illegally, supposedly to fight terrorists, but really to change the leadership of Syria. To do that, Barack Obama armed and funded al-Nusra Front terrorists, which are al Qaeda affiliates. So we were a state-sponsor of terrorism pretending to fight terrorism while our military was killing a lot of innocent civilians.
Numerous horrifying war crimes have been perpetrated by the US military on Syrian civilians that will never be punished. And if a whistle blower stepped forward, the US would prosecute them under the Espionage Act. This exact scenario is why Chelsea Manning was prosecuted by Barack Obama under the Espionage Act, and why Julian Assange is in maximum security prison in the UK with NO PENDING UK CHARGES.
The US government is the schoolyard bully that beats kids up and takes their money, and far too many Americans enable that because they believe some other country will invade us if we don't.
If everyone voted ONLY based on economic and foreign policy all of the time, we could create a world where all of the rest of our differences would seem a little easier to deal with and easier to resolve. It's not radical. It's common sense.

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