My First Weeks in Congress
My first few weeks in congress have been different than I ever anticipated- and different than most freshman in Congress experience. But our entire party especially our class of incoming congressmen stand ready to serve. We are committed to working together for the American people and as President Biden and the House Democrats attempt to push our country further to the left, they will be met with a mighty voice of opposition. We will work together but never yield in our pursuit of the kind of empowering and conservative policies we know will benefit working families.
Swearing In
None of the challenges of the last weeks, the covid restrictions nor riots dampened my will to be here officially serving the people of the 24th district. This is the honor of my life, and I take seriously the responsibility with which you have entrusted me. We have much work to do and I am humbled by your continued support.
Nancy's Nonsense Rules
We can not relax for even a moment before Speaker Pelosi tries to change the rules and remove any gendered words from the House speech.

America's Business
Before swearing in, I wanted to make sure that my intentions were clear- I am heading to DC to work. And the political theatre of the last four years has to end. I wrote an op-ed to highlight why my highest priority is getting America back where we should be by improving the infrastructure that allows citizens to pursue their American dreams.
Quick Links: Beth in the news
I pledged this week to stop taking money from the Big Tech companies who are censoring our voices. Can you help me make up the difference?