Read this today.
Friend — this email gets into a bit more policy detail than we usually share over here. I hope that's ok — the truth is, it really matters, and as a part of our movement we wanted you to be in the know.

Immediately after Biden took office, he took some amazing first steps. Shutting down Keystone XL. Rejoining the Paris Climate Agreement. We're on track to reverse more than 100 of Trump's attacks on public health and environmental rules.

There's a lot Biden can do — and is doing. And then there's a lot that Congress controls. We just mapped out our demands for Congress — these are our must-haves.

Take a look below, and then join us. Getting bold and transformative policy passed is going to require fighting with all we've got, starting right now, and that's only going to happen with your help.

Renew your LCV membership today — it only costs $5. A group of donors is tripling every contribution, but only though the end of the month — anything you can afford will make a huge difference »

We're telling Congress: These. Are. Our. Demands.
  • Swiftly confirm the incredible slate of Biden-Harris administration nominees that will lead an all-of-government response to the climate crisis that addresses environmental injustice and centers working people
  • Pass the For the People Act (H.R. 1), John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act (H.R. 4) to strengthen our democratic processes and institutions
  • Pass the Washington, DC Admission Act (H.R. 51) to win statehood for DC
  • Pass at least a $2 trillion economic recovery package that puts millions of people to work in high-quality jobs tackling the climate crisis, reducing pollution, and rebuilding a more just, equitable, and healthy society. This package must meet Biden's commitment that 40% of benefits flow to the low-income and communities of color hit hardest by toxic pollution and climate change's impacts
  • Extend and expand tax incentives for clean energy, storage and transportation and enact complementary policies that deliver 100% clean electricity by 2035
  • Bolster the EPA and the Department of Justice enforcement efforts to hold polluters accountable for targeting low-income communities and communities of color and force them clean up the damage they've caused
  • Shift our nation's transportation policy to advance climate goals, expand transit, and implement smart-growth policies
  • Designate PFOA and PFOS as hazardous substances and direct the EPA to assess all other PFAS, place moratorium on new PFAS, restrict industrial releases of PFAS, and set a protective drinking water standard
  • Restore and expand resources for addressing the combined health impacts from multiple pollutants, clean air science, and regulatory, monitoring, communications, and enforcement programs
  • Establish mandatory requirements to reduce agricultural runoff that causes harmful algal blooms
  • Enact policies and protect places that make access to nature more equitable — particularly for communities of color, low income communities, and Indigenous communities
  • Enact legislation permanently protecting the sacred and pristine Arctic Refuge from drilling
  • Encourage afforestation, reforestation, blue carbon ecosystems, and responsible renewable energy development on public lands and waters
  • Confirm a diverse slate of Biden-Harris judicial nominees who respect science and will seek the fair application of justice
It's a long list. But now is the time to go big, and we're not resting until we win every. damn. one. of these fights. Because meeting these demands is our real chance to change the world.

I hope you're on board, friend. If you are — the absolute best thing you can do right now is renew your LCV membership for 2021. All it takes is $5.

As part of our Membership Drive, a group of donors will triple match your contribution — and any contribution you make this year.

It's an incredible way to build power in 2021 — and ensure we have the resources to win the fights that will actually move the needle on climate change and achieving justice in every community right now.

After four years of resisting Trump in every way possible — we get it if you want to take a breather. But the truth is, we need to be fighting just as hard now — harder — now that we have environmental leaders in power. This is our last best chance to turn the tide on the climate crisis. It's a once-in-a-generation opportunity.

We can't waste it. I know you won't.

Thanks, friend.

Gene Karpinski
League of Conservation Voters
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