I'm about to ask you for $5. But first, let me explain why donations from our Founding Members are so important to me. >> secure.actblue.com/donate/npem2021?refcode=20210124_em_fr_b1_pelosi_all_rs&amount=5&amounts=25,50,100,250
Republicans are still trying to defeat our Democratic Majority -- even after our decisive victory.
They've raked in millions just to unseat us for doing our jobs.
I need to raise 20,000 gifts before midnight's End of Week Deadline to ensure Joe and Kamala have the support necessary to defend our Majority.
I'm counting on 6 more Democrats from Pennsylvania to step up before my End of Week deadline at midnight to ensure we ring in this new era with a MASSIVE fundraising day for Democrats. Can you rush in $5? >> secure.actblue.com/donate/npem2021?refcode=20210124_em_fr_b1_pelosi_all_rs&amount=5&amounts=25,50,100,250
John xxxxxx
Suggested Support: $5 >> secure.actblue.com/donate/npem2021?refcode=20210124_em_fr_b1_pelosi_all_rs&amount=5&amounts=25,50,100,250
I'm so proud of our Founding Members:
Americans fighting for what is right while the GOP undermines our democracy with reckless abandon.
I hope I can see your name on our list of Founding Members.
Thank you,
Chip in $5 now >> secure.actblue.com/donate/npem2021?refcode=20210124_em_fr_b1_pelosi_all_rs&amount=5&amounts=25,50,100,250