John, did you see
John’s tweet about our new t-shirts?
John Fetterman [1]Verified @JohnFetterman
[2]@JohnFetterman Four to Choose!
1) Yooo... Where’s PA’s Money.
2) Most famous case of voter fraud in 🇺🇸.
3) The 2016 Vintage Throwback.
4) LEGAL WEED ✅for PA.
[ [link removed]- ][IMG]
[ [link removed]- ]Union-made and union-printed in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Just click
here to get your Team Fetterman t-shirt today.
Team Fetterman
---------Forwarded message---------
Sender: John Fetterman
Date: January 19, 2021
Subject: T-shirts
[5]John Fetterman
*Big* news, John.
Shirts! Shirts! Shirts! Our first Team Fetterman t-shirts just landed in
the online store. Check it out:
💯 American-made
💯 Union-made
💯 Free shipping
We’ve got four new options to choose from. And the best part? We’re proud
to partner with a local union screen printer right here in Pittsburgh.
[ [link removed]- ]Legal Weed for PA t-shirt[ [link removed]- ]My dude in forty-fort t-shirt[ [link removed]- ]Where's our
money t-shirt[ [link removed]- ]Vintage Fetterman t-shirt
[ [link removed]- ]Click here to get your union-made Team Fetterman t-shirt today.
Pennsylvania will be the *most* important Senate race of 2022 — and every
t-shirt we sell helps keep our grassroots support strong from the very
Shop Now
John Fetterman
Lieutenant Governor of Pennsylvania
This email was sent to
[email protected]. Email is the most important way for us to reach you about opportunities to get involved. If you need to remove yourself from our email list, click here to unsubscribe: [link removed]-
Paid for by Fetterman for PA.