Tune in to EMET's next webinar
Tuesday, January 26th at 12:00pm EST!

Capitol Hill Webinar 

Lest We Forget: Listening to the Valuable Lessons of Two Remarkable Holocaust Survivors

Tuesday, January 26th at 12pm EST
Irving Roth - Holocaust survivor, director of the Holocaust Resource Center-Temple Judea of Manhasset, NY

Sami Steigmann - Holocaust survivor, motivational speaker

About this webinar: The United Nations General Assembly has designated January 27th — the anniversary of the liberation of Auschwitz-Birkenau — as International Holocaust Remembrance Day. On the eve of that somber anniversary, we are profoundly honored to have two courageous Holocaust survivors, Irving Roth and Sami Steigmann, who will speak about their experiences and the critically important lessons that they have learned, not only for the Jewish people, but for all of humanity. Each of them, as children, survived the very depths of despair that man is capable of inflicting upon his fellow man, and are, thank God, still surviving to tell their stories of courage, of optimism, of hope, and of love for their fellow human being.

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Sami Steigmann is a Holocaust Survivor who lives to tell his story. Through speaking at schools, organizations, media outlets, and more, he is passionate about his role of sharing a fresh perspective on hope, life, and faith. Sami is dedicated to reach as many young people as he can, nationally and internationally, promote tolerance, and, hopefully, they will make it a better world for themselves, their children and

their grandchildren. His advice to the young people: "NEVER GIVE UP. NEVER LOSE HOPE and enjoy the life you’ve been given. NEVER BE A PERPETRATOR (anyone that hurts another, intentionally and repeatedly, is a perpetrator). But most importantly, NEVER, EVER BE A BYSTANDER. The greatest tragedy in human history, the Holocaust and all the genocides, happened because the world stood by and did nothing. As a bystander, you are part of the problem. He wants you to "BE PART OF THE SOLUTION."

Irving Roth is the Director of the Holocaust Resource Center at the Temple Judea of Manhasset, New York, and is the former education director of the Holocaust Memorial and Education Center of Nassau County. An internationally known educator, Mr. Roth has

endeavored to teach people about the Holocaust and the lessons that can be learned from that experience. Through his participation in programs such as Adopt A Survivor, in which young people ‘adopt’ a Holocaust survivor and learn of his or her experiences, and the March of the Living, Mr. Roth has worked to ensure that an atrocity like the Holocaust never happens again. Many people throughout his community owe their knowledge of the Holocaust to Mr. Roth. Mr. Roth has been the recipient of numerous awards and accolades for his work promoting a more accepting and diverse world. It is his life’s mission to make the world a better place that has earned Mr. Roth the Spirit of Anne Frank Award.

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Founded in 2005, The Endowment for Middle East Truth (EMET) is a Washington, D.C. based think tank and policy center with an unabashedly pro-America and pro-Israel stance. EMET (which means truth in Hebrew) prides itself on challenging the falsehoods and misrepresentations that abound in U.S. Middle East policy.





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