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Weekend Edition, January 23-24, 2021

Mass Vaccination of Healthy Adults Is a Sham

CDC data reveal Covid-19 isn’t the killer! Bill Sardi

Orange Man Gone

David Stockman

Pushback, Resistance, Dissent, and Conflict: Will You Participate?

Gary D. Barnett

Will Medical or Religious Exemptions Work Against Forced Vaccination?

Yvonne Lorenzo

Face Masks, Lockdowns, & Geography: Are You Obedient to Your Values or Are You Obedient to Your Comfort?

Allan Stevo

Biden Can Now Launch the Nukes and Unleash World War III Whenever He Feels Like It

Ryan McMaken

Another Mega Group Spy Scandal? Samanage, Sabotage, and the SolarWinds Hack

Whitney Webb

The Future of War, American-Style

A Bidenesque Tour of America’s Regional and Global Military Adventures. Danny Sjursen

Biden’s Presidency Will Be a Catalyst for Secession – and Perhaps Civil War

Brandon Smith

Confessions of a Deprogrammed Trump Supporter

Matthew J.L. Ehret

Rough Ridin’ With Biden

James Howard Kunstler

How Is Joe Biden Like a Ham Sandwich?

Jon Rappoport

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