Can you imagine 41 school buses lined up, each with 72 empty seats?
These seats should have 72 giggling, busy, and bustling boys and girls headed to school. Instead, they remain quiet and vacant... 3,000 innocent lives lost each and every day.
In stores, thousands of backpacks hang on shelves, never to be bought or worn. And in schools, thousands of desks sit empty, never to be filled—because every day, 3,000 children lose their lives to the atrocity of abortion.
I shared in a previous email how Deanna chose life for her son, Major. It's an exciting milestone to see him begin kindergarten this year. However, I can’t help but think of all the children who will never get the opportunity to board the bus, go to school, and enjoy life like Major.
Many of the women who seek an abortion feel alone, scared, and anxious. They don’t know there is help available to them, empowering them to choose life. The sobering statistics show that:
- 1 in 3 of these women are younger than 24
- 2 in 3 are younger than 30
- 2 in 3 are a minority
- 1 in 2 are black
- 4 out of 5 are alone
- 1 in 5 indicate being pressured into an abortion
In order to eradicate abortion, these vulnerable and hurting women must be reached before the abortion industry does.
And the need to reach these women is urgent. The lives of their children depend on it. Over the past year, the abortion industry has rapidly advanced its agenda in various states and at the federal level, becoming increasingly transparent about its desire to end the lives of preborn children.
Will you donate today to help rescue a child from abortion?
From the passing of legislation that allows abortion up to birth, to the celebratory coldness that followed these and other callous legislative decisions, the pro-choice movement is no longer hiding its mission.
Together, we must be bolder than the opposition.
Pro-life legislation is a piece of the mission to end abortion, but even more urgent is the need for a National Rescue System to overtake Planned Parenthood and rescue children—right now, today—who are at risk of being aborted.
This National Rescue System must continue to race into abortion-devastated communities across our country to reach women and families who are being relentlessly targeted and deceived by the abortion industry.
It all starts with identifying what is driving them through Planned Parenthood’s doors. Then hope and compassion must be extended to these women devastated by hopelessness and abuse. From there, the women, children, and families that Planned Parenthood tried to destroy can be rescued.
But this is an audacious task that requires focus, energy, strategy, and support.
Your help is what pushes this mission to outpace Planned Parenthood forward, rescuing more hurting women, children, and families. With your donation today, you can continue to help build and grow a National Rescue System to remove Planned Parenthood’s deadly grip on our society.
When you give a donation today, you are investing in life. You are saying,
- “No more empty school buses.”
- “No more empty playgrounds.”
- “No more empty desks.”
Thanks to a generous family of donors, every dollar donated by partners just like you will be matched dollar for dollar, up to $100,000, through the end of September.

This means when you give a gift today, you can help rescue a preborn child, like Major, from abortion.
Will you give today, John?
Thankful for you,
Brian Fisher,