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Today, more than 180 faith, business, law enforcement, and civic organizations and leaders signed a statement urging both Congress and the new administration to make clear their commitment to reforming our nation’s outdated, broken immigration system. The commitment to lasting, bipartisan immigration reform has broad support from a majority of Americans

Add your name in support of immigration reform now. 

Strong leadership and bipartisanship from Congress and the administration, starting on day one, are critical to building an immigration system that works for U.S. families, grows our economy, and strengthens communities across our nation — all while welcoming immigrants who seek a better life and a chance to contribute. Congress must come together and quickly provide a pathway to citizenship that would allow Dreamers to stay in the U.S. and become fully integrated in our communities. 

Sign the statement and make it clear you support broad, bipartisan immigration reform. 

As the statement points out, polling consistently shows broad, bipartisan support for immigrants and immigration reform: 
  • Recent polls have found that 77% of Americans believe that immigration is good for the country.
  • 78% of Americans believe DACA recipients should be able to remain in America
  • A Fox News poll on Election Day found that 71% of Americans support legal status for undocumented immigrants.  
  • Historically, strong support has existed for immigration reform that addresses border security, expanded visa programs for high-skilled and agricultural workers, and regularizing the status of undocumented immigrants. 
We can create a modern, humane and effective immigration system that upholds the best of America’s promise: To be a nation where people can come from around the world to work, contribute, and build a better life for themselves, their families, and our society as a whole.  

Our nation’s immigration laws are decades overdue for an overhaul. To get this done, it’s going to require the new administration and Congress to work together in a bipartisan manner – and a commitment from all of us to make our voices heard.  
Add your name now to show you support broad, bipartisan immigration reform. 

Thanks for everything you do,  
Ali Noorani 
President & CEO, National Immigration Forum  
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