We wanted to make sure you saw this message, John.

As Kim begins her second term, democracy reforms remain a top priority for her. She's working to get dark money out of politics, make voter registration easier, and end partisan gerrymandering to ensure the voice of every American is heard. But she wants to know you have her back in this fight.

If you're with Kim in the fight to strengthen and protect our democracy, add your name now >>

----------Begin Forwarded Message----------
From: Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress
Subject: A new opportunity to strengthen our democracy:
Date: Thursday, January 21, 2020


Our ability to vote and have a say in our government is one of our most fundamental rights as Americans. That's why strengthening and protecting our democracy has always been one of Kim's top priorities in Congress.

As one of her first acts in Congress two years ago, Kim signed on as a co-sponsor of H.R. 1 -- the For the People Act. This legislation offered tangible steps that would ensure every American's voice is heard and that elected officials actually serve the folks who elected them, not special interests.

But for two years after the House voted to pass these crucial reforms, Mitch McConnell refused to hold a vote on this critical legislation. With President Joe Biden in the White House and a new Democratic Senate majority, now is the time for action.

If you're ready to return power to the people, add your name to join Kim in calling for democracy reforms to get big money out of politics >>

This legislation will make voter registration easier and voter suppression harder while restricting big money's sway in our elections. It will strengthen our democracy and make sure that elected officials actually serve the folks who elected them.

This critical legislation will restrict dark money, partisan gerrymandering, and foreign interference in our politics while providing automatic voter registration, ballot box protections, and ethics reforms.

If you agree that we need to pass new legislation to protect and reform our democracy, add your name to stand with Kim now.


Team Schrier

Paid for by Dr. Kim Schrier for Congress

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