Tom 2020 Logo

After the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris on Wednesday, the future of our country is bright.

But undoing the damage caused by the Trump administration’s corruption and incompetence in order to build better solutions will require more than just our newly-elected leaders. It will need a unified effort from all of us — to hold our representatives accountable, to do what we can in our communities, and to continue raising our voices on the issues that matter.

We at Team Tom are ready to support the critical work of our new president in healing and rebuilding our nation. Will you make a commitment today to stay engaged in this fight?

Now comes the difficult work of keeping up the pressure, staying active and informed, and refusing the inclination to take a break while hoping it all works out. Republican obstructionism can still be found at nearly every level of political power, and the GOP is not going to stop challenging us.

While the Biden-Harris administration is facing perhaps the greatest challenge of our nation’s history, with multiple crises threatening our very way of life, there is also opportunity. We can accomplish bold, climate-focused, justice-centered initiatives with a clear mandate from the American people. Real change is within reach.

Now is not the time for a victory lap, but for renewed commitment.
Pledge to see this fight through
In this together,

Team Tom
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Tom Steyer PAC · PO Box 626 · San Francisco, CA 94104 · USA

Paid for by Tom Steyer PAC,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.