Dear John,

Stop mining and logging from destroying the Tongass National Forest: Donate now!

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America’s most important “Climate Forest” is under attack. With Trump out of office, we still have a chance to protect it, but we need to act fast. Protect the Tongass National Forest from mining and logging: Donate $27 or more now!

The Tongass is the largest intact temperate rainforest left on Earth. Spanning over 500 miles, it provides habitat for ancient trees -- some over 1,000 years old -- and more than 400 wildlife species, including some of the highest concentrations of wolves, bears, and eagles in North America. The Tongass is also the traditional homeland of the Tlingit, Haida, and Tsimshian Peoples. Beyond its natural beauty and cultural importance, the Tongass forest is one of the world’s best climate defenses.

Now, the Tongass forest is at greater risk than ever before. On October 29, the Trump Administration opened more than 9 million acres of the Tongass to industrial logging, roadbuilding, and potentially even mining.

Help us stop Trump’s attacks on the Tongass from carrying over to the Biden Administration. Donate $27 to Friends of the Earth today.

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The Tongass is the largest and most pristine forest in the country. It is a sweeping expanse of rugged wilderness unlike anything else. Also called “The Amazon of North America,” or “The Lungs of America,” the Tongass is considered by many scientists to be our first and best line of defense against the worsening climate crisis.

Here’s why:

Forests -- particularly old growth forests -- are nature’s powerhouses for climate change mitigation, absorbing as much as 30% of the world's carbon emissions. Old-growth trees are the anchors of the forest. In addition to the incredible array of biodiversity they shelter, old-growth trees absorb and store more carbon than younger, smaller trees. Destroying our forests means losing priceless wildlife and biodiversity -- but it also means depleting the world’s ability to absorb carbon pollution and limit the worst effects of climate change.

We can’t let that happen, so we’ve filed a lawsuit to protect the Tongass. But we are counting on your support!

Stand up for the Tongass National Forest and our climate before it’s too late: Support Friends of the Earth with a $27 donation.

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Last month, Friends of the Earth and our allies filed a lawsuit to challenge Trump’s exemption of the Tongass from the Roadless Rule.

For decades, Friends of the Earth has been in the vanguard of the fight to protect our forests. Friends of the Earth Members like you sent nearly 30,000 comments to the Department of Agriculture demanding that it not open up Tongass National Forest to mining and logging development.

John, we are using every tool in our toolbox to safeguard forests for every animal, person, and community that depends on them. This is the kind of bold, comprehensive, interconnected campaigning that can preserve forests and our climate for the long haul. And it’s all powered by members like you. Your support is the reason our campaigners, organizers, and volunteers are able to wake up every morning and fight for forests, people, and the planet. When you take action with us, we win.

Take action: Contribute to Friends of the Earth, and help protect our forests, climate, and communities from Big Ag and Big Oil!

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Standing with you,
Marcie Keever,
Legal director,
Friends of the Earth
