Twin Ports DSA Members and Associates:
Our annual meeting is today, Sunday at 4 PM. We are hoping for high participation! If you have been opening these emails and thinking about coming to a meeting, make that extra effort and put it in your calendar with a couple reminders.
Here is the link to register for the Meeting. You will be automatically sent a zoom link after registering.
Our annual meeting is where we elect a new steering committee. Two members of our current seven member committee have said they don't want to run. Five members said they will continue if no one else steps up. Please consider stepping up! It's vital for the health of the chapter that we train new leaders.
We also consider and perhaps vote on any proposed bylaw changes at the annual meeting. You can review our current bylaws here. Our treasurer Troy plans to propose putting our solidarity fund structure into our bylaws.
Here is the current agenda for Sunday's meeting:
- Introductions
- Short Overview of what annual meeting is (goals, objectives)
- Election of new steering members, officers and at large
- Treasurer’s annual report and hat passing
- Proposal to change bylaws regarding solidarity fund
- Three Priorities for the year
- Racial Justice Working Group update
- Ecosocialist Line 3 update
- Housing Justice Working Group update
- Labor Committee update
- Education Update
- YDSA happenings
- Secretary's report
- Announcements
I'm looking forward to this, and I'm looking forward to seeing everyone there.
In solidarity,
John Krumm
TPDSA Secretary