
I’m sure you’ve heard by now, but our campaign is at a crossroads. We need to raise $1.7 million by September 30th or we will not be able to grow our operation fast enough to stay competitive.

And on Monday, we learned that the DNC is increasing the donor threshold for the November debate to 165,000 individual donors -- meaning Cory is going to need more new donors like you to step up to make sure he’s back on the debate stage.

$1.7 million is a lot of money, make no mistake about it. But since then, thousands of people have stepped up. We’ve already raised $1,144,570.77.

Friend, a lot of people are still undecided in this race. According to an NBC/Wall Street Journal national poll last week, 91% of Democratic primary voters have not made up their minds about which candidate they are supporting.

Here’s the truth, it’s completely all right to be undecided right now. Most people are! But if you believe that Cory brings a unique, important voice in this race, consider chipping in $3, $5, or whatever you can.

In fact, many of our donations over the past few days are from people who aren’t all in for any candidate yet:

'Donating to @CoryBooker bc his voice matters. Some candidates come & go without much fanfare, but he shouldn't be one of them. Cory has been using his platform to lift up others as he's climbed -- incl. downballot candidates & state parties. He has earned a place in this race.' - @toritaylor

'I am not all in for @CoryBooker, but his voice in this race matters. If we don't step in for the candidates of color, they won't be able to stay in this race.' - @JessLivMo

'While I've not yet endorsed a presidential candidate in the democratic primary, I think ⁦@CoryBooker⁩'s voice is important to have in this season. Consider helping him by pitching in to his campaign.' - @AaronDFordNV

'.@CoryBooker is my friend. I have a short video I want you all to hear about him. Also, yes, the dude bow hunting elk is asking you to donate to the vegan.' - @RobSandIA

As Cory likes to say, democracy is not a spectator sport. If there was ever a time we needed you to get off the sidelines, this is it.

All it takes to help out is a few dollars. Can we count on you to make your first donation right now?

Thanks for stepping up when Cory needs it.

Team Cory


Paid for by Cory 2020

P.O. Box 32009 Newark, NJ 07102 | All content © 2019 Cory 2020, All Rights Reserved.

Contributions or gifts to Cory 2020 are not tax deductible.

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