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Texas Attorney General Vows to Sue Biden Administration Over ‘Illegal Deportation Freeze’
The Democrat-ChiComs need their illegal voters.

Commenter:  “Big tech needs to be immediately dismantled and prosecuted for their participation in over throwing America’s Government to a communist power who silenced President Trump and ...

Biden Admin’s BIG LIE: Claims Trump Admin Lacked a Vaccine Distribution Plan
More than 56.7 million shots have been administered in the USA. How the hell does this perverted segregationist think it happened?

This is not true. President Trump had a robust distribution plan for the vaccine, which under his leadership was ...

President Trump’s Exit Approval Rating Higher than Biden’s Entrance Approval Rating
And this was before Beijing Biden:

Killed tens of thousands of jobs:

End all travel bans, including from jihadist regions

Amnesty for all illegals

Rejoin Paris climate accord

Eliminate all carbon emissions by 2030

Free ...

Biden’s Democrat Regime Ushers In Islamic State Resurgence: Twin Homicide Bombings in Baghdad Kill 32, Wounded 110
The Democrats are the warmongering party. They love WAR. Democrats opposed Trump's drawdown of troops in jihad nations.  Moms, don't let your children serve under these Nazis.

ISIS Claims Baghdad Twin Bombing That Killed 32, Wounded 110


Nazi-Inspired Censorship Goes Official: House Democrats are Now Urging FBI to Investigate Parler
Democrats rioted, looted, and burned down cities – all using Twitter, Facebook etc. No problem.

But the idea of platform for ideas that are not state sanctioned is indictable. That's Nazism.

When social media channels were systemically ...

Articles of Impeachment AGAINST BIDEN Have Been Filed By Rep. Greene
Abuse of vice-presidential power, graft, corruption, Ukraine, Communist China, Hunter (!) – we will need several more articles of impeachment filed.


— Marjorie Taylor Greene (@mtgreenee) January ...

LET THEM EAT CAKE: Buttigieg Says Tens of Thousands Of Keystone Workers Need to Get ‘Different’ Union Jobs

Every Democrat action is an attack on Americans. Every action is anti-American.

Related: Report: Biden Killed 52K American Jobs On Day 1 In Office

RELEASE: Sen. Cruz: Biden Administration Energy Policies Could Eliminate ...

Gov. DeSantis Orders FL Troops In D.C. Back Home After Appalling Treatment: ‘They’re Not Nancy Pelosi’s Servants’
More fantastic work from America's best governor, Ron DeSantis. After images emerged of National Guardsmen sleeping in parking garages, DeSantis had seen enough. “DeSantis called the “mission” in D.C. “half-cocked” and blasted House ...

WATCH: Joe Biden’s Babysitter Tells Him Through Ear Piece To “Salute the Marines”, Instead of Saluting He Says, “Salute the Marines” To Them
80 million votes. Uh huh.

Wait until the rest of the country finds out what the Democrats did to us out of hatred for this country…..

Wait until the test of the country finds out what the Democrat-media syndicate did to us …… ...

President Trump Will Lead National ELECTION INTEGRITY Drive As First Post-Presidential Move, Says Adviser
Expect the Democrat Chi-coms to fight free and fair elections with all their ill-gotten, illegitimate wins.

Trump to lead national election integrity drive as first post-presidential move, says adviser

Trump's goals for next two years ...

MONSTROUS: Amazon REFUSED To Help With China Virus/COVID Vaccine For Political Reasons (Until Biden Was Sworn In)
This best illustrates the depravity of the left. Like the Nazis, Soviets, Fascists before them. They believe murder is required – for the greater good. Bezos is taking a page from Stalin, “One death is a tragedy; one million is a statistic.” ...

President Trump Offers Troops Stays at Trump Hotel After Democrats Banish National Guard to Parking Garage
The last American President. Thank you, President Trump.

Within 24 hours, the Democrats had no further use for of the National Guard for their political theater and banished the troops to the corner of a parking garage …”

SCOOP: Trump ...

‘We Need a New Hitler’: California Refuses to Disbar Hatemongering Muslim Lawyer
On the left, Islamic antisemitism is a protected hatred.

California lawyer called for genocide of Jews: “Hitler was right. We need a new Hitler.”

By Yakir Benzion, United With Israel

An Iranian-American international lawyer in ...

Mitch McConnell Proposes Postponing Impeachment Trial Until February to Keep Trump Under His Thumb
We have no party. The ultimate act of betrayal. We have no party.

Related: Kentucky Republicans Censure Mitch McConnell After His Outrageous Attack on President Trump: “This Is Not Consistent With What He Promised Us When He Was Running” ...

FBI Arrests CDC Critic Dr. Simone Gold For Attending Capitol Protest – FBI Singled Her Out
On Monday, January 18th, at 11:00 A.M., 21 FBI agents banged on the door of the Beverly Hills home of Dr. Simone Gold, emergency room physician, attorney and founder of America’s Frontline Doctors  (AFD). In short order, law enforcement broke ...

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