Dear Comrade,
We're fighting important battles for the working class, and we want to make sure everyone can be involved. Important upcoming dates include:
No Frackin' Akron Community Meetings Saturday 1/23 and 1/30 at 2 PM. If you can't attend these meetings, please do not forget to submit public comments to Akron City council every week until we win by emailing [email protected] or leaving a voicemail at 330-375-2566. We have some talking points and shared community resources to help you communicate the dangers of fracking and explain why this deal is bad for Akron.
Akron DSA Housing Discussion Saturday 1/23 at 5 PM. As a follow-up to last week's town hall, we will talk about eviction prevention in Akron.
Akron and Cleveland DSA for Nina Strategy Meeting (passcode: 061696) Monday, 2/1. Please attend if you're interested in building out our Nina Turner campaign! Cleveland DSA has also invited us to meet with their electoral committee 1/24 at 5PM.
February General Meeting 2/25 at 6PM. We've moved our meeting time up an hour to avoid overlap with other DSA functions! Let us know how this works for you, and if there are days and times you'd like to see events moving forward.
If you missed our Annual Meeting, Akron DSA's elected leadership for the upcoming year includes: Co-Chairs Heather Hillenbrand and Brynne Olsen, Communications Chair Tyler Bohinc, Financial Chair Alyssa Figueroa, Harassment Grievance Officers Joshua Bellis & Kate Hodge, Alternate Harassment Grievance Officer Adam Laliberte. We look forward to big wins for the working class in 2021!
In solidarity,
Akron DSA Steering Committee