Hi Friend,

Progressive Privilege has been on full display, in the most brazen way, since President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris took office. 

The mainstream media, Hollywood elites, and corporate and tech giants aren’t even trying to hide their excitement or feign impartiality and objectivity. 

The talking heads have been practically giddy and glowing in their coverage of Biden, Harris, and the new Democrat-led Congress.
As a recent Cosmopolitan headline read:
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The overt bias and double standards on practically anything, including what’s “acceptable” from our nation’s Chief Executive, are at this point downright insulting.

The inaugural primetime televised event—featuring “star-studded” performances and theatric narration by Hollywood elite on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial, with the Bidens dramatically looking out at an elaborate display of fireworks—best captured the essence of Progressive Privilege.
It was so tone deaf. 
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The true backdrop of the event was not the fireworks illuminating the dark, depressing, DC sky… but the fireworks of the day and week leading up to it.

This was the second deadliest day of the pandemic, during a time when many Americans can barely leave their homes and can’t even afford to keep their lights on, in a city shut down and businesses shuttered due to the pandemic, and in an area under military lockdown after violence swept through.

Yet, you didn’t hear the media questioning the Biden-Harris extravaganza, nor did you hear them labeling the Inauguration ceremony a “super spreader,” as they did any time former President Trump hosted an official ceremony.
The double standards must stop.
Share Your Thoughts on Progressive Privilege
While the mainstream media and fashion magazines laud every movement made and applaud every outfit worn by their progressive idols, they ignore the draconian actions already being taken by President Biden in his first days in office.

While corporate giants are “canceling” contracts and other opportunities for anyone associated with Trump or the conservative cause, tech titans are silencing or shutting down conservative and center-right voices.

No matter where you stand on the spectrum, this is not okay. This is Progressive Privilege. And it is setting a dangerous precedent that we must all speak out about before it’s too late.

Share your thoughts on Progressive Privilege and Cancel Culture by taking this private, secure survey today.

Thanks and stay safe,

Heather R. Higgins