Here’s what you missed on the call last night and everything you need to get caught up:

National Nurses United

We're blown away.

Last night, we had over 1,100 people join us for our Medicare for All National Strategy call. We missed you there, but keep reading for an overview of what we covered on the call and how you can jump in!

With Democrats now controlling both chambers of Congress and the Presidency, there’s no more time for excuses. Now is the time for Medicare for All. Are you ready to get to work? There are so many ways to plug into this fight right away:

Thanks again for being with us in this fight. We can’t wait to get to work. 

In solidarity,

Jasmine Ruddy
Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All

P.S. - If you’d like to hear a recording of last night’s call, just email us at (or reply to this email!) and we’ll send it to you.