We're blown away.
Last night, we had over 1,100 people join us for our Medicare for All National Strategy call. We missed you there, but keep reading for an overview of what we covered on the call and how you can jump in!
With Democrats now controlling both chambers of Congress and the Presidency, there’s no more time for excuses. Now is the time for Medicare for All. Are you ready to get to work? There are so many ways to plug into this fight right away:
- Sign up to be a District Leader. We need District Leaders in every congressional district in the country to grow the strength and size of the Medicare for All movement locally, help confirm original cosponsors, and build the foundation for long-term, strategic pressure campaigns. We’ll give you all the training and support you need to step into this leadership role!
- Join our Rapid Response Team to help amplify the February Medicare for All bill introduction. Members of the team will get first notice about updates and will be ready to promote news, alerts, and calls to action both online and in their communities. This is one of the best ways you can take action in the coming weeks!
- Volunteer from home by joining our Text and Call Teams. These teams will reach out to voters in some of our highest priority districts to let voters know where their Representative stands on Medicare for All. All you need is a computer, internet connection, and time to volunteer - we’ll train you on the rest!
- Fill out our MFA Leadership School Interest Form. In late March of this year, we’ll be launching our first ever Medicare for All Leadership School to support and develop leaders who want more organizing training. Does this sound like you, or someone you know? Fill out our interest form and forward to people you know who may be interested!
- Call your member of Congress on our hotline: 202-858-1717. This is a quick and easy way to ask your member to become an original cosponsor of Medicare for All, especially if they signed on last time. (Find out here if they did!)
Thanks again for being with us in this fight. We can’t wait to get to work.
In solidarity,
Jasmine Ruddy
Nurses’ Campaign to Win Medicare for All
P.S. - If you’d like to hear a recording of last night’s call, just email us at info@medicare4all.org (or reply to this email!) and we’ll send it to you.