How do you and other Republican party leaders advocate for more diversity within the party? I would love to see more republican party and conservative clubs in marginalized areas.
from Cierra E.
Answer from Jessica:
There are many Republican/Conservative leaders and groups that encourage and engage the many diverse communities in California. Ranging from organizations like GROW Elect, California Women’s Leadership Association (CWLA), Republican Women Federated (RWF), Republican National Hispanic Association (RNHA), Legacy Republican Alliance, and so on. Even our CAGOP Board resembles the beautiful diversity of California! Politics is a game of addition, not subtraction. The more we work to engage the many communities of California, the larger our party grows. As a Latina myself, I understand and appreciate the beauty diversity brings to our Party, and how we must continue to grow. Our investment in engaging the diverse minorities communities paid off in 2020. In
California, we now have newly elected Congressman Garcia, Congresswomen Steel and Kim, State Senator Ochoa Bogh and State Assemblywoman Valladares all adding to the diversity of their caucuses. We are rising to the task and we will continue pushing forward.