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Republican Party of Virginia Logo
Four and a half years ago, Democrats and the media called you crazy when you said that Donald J. Trump would be the next President of the United States. They called you names and degraded you.
Then, on November 8, 2016, we witnessed the greatest political movement in modern American history. By electing President Trump, you showed the establishment, the Democrats, and the media that you were sick and tired of the status quo and you demanded change.
The accomplishments of the last four years are unrivaled in modern Presidential history. Republicans cut taxes, created millions of jobs, revved up an unprecedented economic engine until it was crushed by business shutdowns by Democrat governors (including our own), protected families and neighborhoods, fought efforts by Virginia and national Democrats to defund the police, successfully developed the COVID-19 vaccine in record time, secured our borders, and achieved energy independence. The list goes on.
But Democrat hatred for President Trump and 74 million Republicans who voted in 2020 is so extreme that they're undoing his accomplishments - just because of selfish jealousy. We need your help to fight back against this Cancel Culture of the Democrats.
Virginia will elect a new governor, lieutenant governor, attorney general, and 100 House of Delegates members in less than 11 months. Can we count on you to make sure we elect Republicans?
President Trump laid the groundwork to take back Virginia, but the fight is far from over.
Best regards,
Chairman Anderson's Signature
Richard L. Anderson
Republican Party of Virginia
Paid for by Republican Party of Virginia, Inc.

115 E Grace St RICHMOND, VA 23219

Contributions to Republican Party of Virginia are not tax deductible for federal income tax purposes. Contributions from corporations, labor unions, federal contractors, and foreign nationals are prohibited.

RPV Chairman Rich Anderson
115 E. Grace Street
Richmond, VA 23219
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