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Health Affairs Today
The Latest Research, Commentary, and News from Health Affairs

Friday, January 22, 2021


Lawsuit Challenges GA’s 1332 Waiver, ACA In The Biden Pandemic Plan
By Katie Keith

On January 14, Planned Parenthood Southeast and the Feminist Women’s Health Center filed a lawsuit challenging the Trump administration’s approval of Georgia’s waiver under Section 1332 of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). This post summarizes that legal challenge as well as parts of President Biden’s recent proposed pandemic relief package that relate to the ACA and coverage. Read More >>


Four Steps To Help Achieve COVID-19 Vaccine Adoption: How Health Professionals Can Embrace Their Role As Messengers
By Adam L. Beckman, Howard P. Forman, and Saad B. Omer

While large scale messaging and public health campaigns may often be the domain of public health institutions, health professionals can leverage their credibility to amplify messages, whether through their offices and communities, or by engaging with social media and local outlets as many have already during the pandemic. Read More >>

Narrative Matters podcast


Out Of Options For Patients With Serious Mental Illness
By Brian Scott Barnett

Brian Scott Barnett relays what it is like for a woman with serious mental illness to cycle between a state hospital, shelters, nursing homes, and psychiatric units, with no permanent place to land. Read More >>

Listen to the podcast here.

Health Affairs This Week

Listen to Leslie Erdelack and Vabren Watts talk about the Biden inauguration, the new president's picks for an incoming health team, and what it all means for health equity.

Listen here.

A CLOSER LOOKHealth Reform Prospects In 2009

In a January 2009 Perspective, Rep. Jim Cooper (D-TN) and then-Rep. Michael Castle (R-DE) assessed the prospects for health reform under the newly-elected Obama administration. They argued that President-elect Obama's best opportunity to deliver on his promise of universal coverage would come during his first six months in office. Revisit this discussion about Obama’s campaign promises and what would eventually become the Affordable Care Act.

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About Health Affairs

Health Affairs is the leading peer-reviewed journal at the intersection of health, health care, and policy. Published monthly by Project HOPE, the journal is available in print and online. Late-breaking content is also found through, Health Affairs Today, and Health Affairs Sunday Update.  

Project HOPE is a global health and humanitarian relief organization that places power in the hands of local health care workers to save lives across the globe. Project HOPE has published Health Affairs since 1981.

Copyright © Project HOPE: The People-to-People Health Foundation, Inc.
Health Affairs, 7500 Old Georgetown Road, Suite 600, Bethesda, MD 20814, United States

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