
Yesterday marked the 11th anniversary of the Supreme Court’s decision in Citizens United, the ruling that swept away a century of precedent barring corporate expenditures in our elections. Free Speech For People was launched moments after that ruling in January 2010, to reclaim American democracy for we, the people.

Now, as our democracy just faced one of its greatest challenges since the Civil War, the 117th Congress is prioritizing democracy reform with the For The People Act (H.R.1). This landmark bill, introduced in the House on January 4th, seeks sweeping reform to protect the right to vote, create a public financing system for congressional campaigns, and overturn Citizens United and end the system of unlimited campaign spending through a constitutional amendment.

Sign if you agree: Congress must pass the For The People Act and restore our democracy to the voters.

While H.R.1 would help bring an end to big money in politics, it would also work to restore and protect voting rights and to address political corruption, causes Free Speech For People fights for on a daily basis. In addition to endorsing the call for a constitutional amendment to overturn Citizens United, the For The People Act:

  • Establishes nationwide automatic voter registration;
  • Requires super PACs and dark money organizations to disclose their donors;
  • Increases support for voter-verified paper ballots and nationwide voting-by-mail; and
  • Prohibits the spread of false information about the election process.

In this watershed moment for our country, we must take action to transform our democracy and ensure that every American has an equal voice and an equal vote. That starts with passing the For The People Act.

Sign the petition: Demand Congress pass the For The People Act and enact vital democracy reforms.

In solidarity,

Free Speech For People

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