From Prevention Action Alliance <[email protected]>
Subject New Beginnings
Date January 22, 2021 7:05 PM
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Plus, apply to work with us, learn about new resources, and more. Having trouble viewing this email? View it as a web page. Peaceful Transition of Power The peaceful transition of power, when the leadership of a government peacefully transfers the authority and control of that government to newly elected leadership, is a pillar of American democracy. This practice has been in effect since John Adams left Washington D.C. in the early morning of March 4th, 1801. Adams, who had lost the previous year’s presidential election to Thomas Jefferson, set an important precedent that day. This precedent, that has evolved over the years, has always demonstrated strength, civility, and respect for the democratic process. Despite the divisions that exist in our nation and the progress we have yet to make, the inauguration and the peaceful transition of power showcases our country’s respect for the democratic process. This is our nation’s opportunity to recall the words of President Abraham Lincoln and lean on “the better angels of our nature” and to achieve President John F. Kennedy’s hope that America would be “a city on a hill – the eyes of all people are upon us”. Let us come together as a profession, to work with the new administration to support and strengthen the populations we serve. Let us participate in today’s peaceful transition of power by congratulating President Biden and Vice President Harris as they take up the mantle of being leaders of the free world. Let us continue to challenge each other so that we can progress towards a healthier, more equitable society and let us hope that the next 4 years are filled with peace, understanding and change. Save the Date! May 20, 2021 | 9:00 a.m. - 5:00 p.m. Prevention Action Alliance established the Prevention Action & Advocacy Summit last year to provide education and understanding around emerging issues in prevention. The summit educates, empowers, and advocates for solutions in prevention. This year, our virtual Prevention Action & Advocacy Summit will address racism, its impacts on social determinants of health, and how prevention should be part of the solution. The goal of the summit is to provide Ohio's prevention professionals, community stakeholders, and partners a space to learn, have conversations, share resources, and serve as a call to action for change that is competent, just, and equitable. Make sure to mark the date on your calendar and stay tuned to our website and newsletters for registration, speaker announcements, and more details! Mental Health First Aid Training Prevention Action Alliance is proud to be working with the National Council for Behavioral Health to bring several Mental Health First Aid instructor trainings to Ohio. Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) is a course that teaches participants how to identify, understand and respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use disorders. Beginning in January, and through March, over thirty additional instructors will be certified to teach these MHFA courses in Ohio. As part of this project several Prevention Action Alliance staff members will be certified to teach both adult and youth Mental Health First Aid courses through the Matthew B. Schoonover Educational Center. Marijuana Fact Sheet Library In 2016, House Bill 523 made Ohio the 25th state to legalize medical marijuana, thus creating the Ohio Medical Marijuana Control Program. Since then, physicians who undergo special certification can recommend marijuana for certain medical conditions, and qualifying patients can receive marijuana in a variety of forms for treating those conditions. Because much of the public conversation surrounding marijuana has been based on anecdotes rather than science, we at Prevention Action Alliance worked with the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services to create fact sheets to help people better understand the facts about marijuana and its effects. These fact sheets cover a wide array of topics ranging from the physical and mental health effects of marijuana, its impacts on your family and communities, what the law says about marijuana in Ohio, how marijuana impacts public safety, to the public health ramifications of marijuana legalization. They are free for anyone to download, print, or share without modification. You can also download the entire toolkit of marijuana fact sheets. Do you have an idea for a fact sheet that we haven't covered? We welcome your input as we continue building our library of resources. Email your ideas to [email protected]. Download the Marijuana Fact Sheets Work with Purpose at Prevention Action Alliance Communities throughout Ohio and the United States rely on us at Prevention Action Alliance to provide them with resources and expertise to help them prevent drug misuse and promote mental health wellness. In turn, we rely on our dedicated staff to carry out that mission. Do you want to join a team of passionate professionals working together to improve health and wellness? We’re currently accepting applications for a marketing and communications officer. This person will develop and implement a comprehensive communication and marketing plan for Prevention Action Alliance. Learn more about the role, including how to apply and key responsibilities on our website. Learn More and Apply Meet Reshawn Smith: Civil Operator, Ohio National Guard Counterdrug Task Force & Prevention Assistant at Prevention Action Alliance Reshawn Smith, a civil operator in the Ohio National Guard Counter Drug Task Force, joined Prevention Action Alliance in September 2020 and is working as a prevention assistant, supporting the Statewide Prevention Coalition Association and the Know! Tip prevention strategy. Reshawn’s background in prevention includes serving as an advocate, training for several years within the Ohio Army National Guard Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program. Reshawn has played a major role in providing soldiers with required annual trainings and the tools and resources to prevent the occurrence of sexual assaults within the Ohio National Guard through increasing awareness and educating all service members about sexual assault frequencies in the military and the prevention of sexually based incidents while also protecting the rights and dignity of victims. Originally from Cleveland, Reshawn has moved to Central Ohio and quickly assimilated into the PAA team. An enthusiastic Cleveland Brown’s fan, he now supports all Ohio teams! Reshawn is an avid runner, clocking six miles a day and with the goal of competing in local marathons. He has worked to obtain the necessary education and experience required for prevention certification and will soon be an Ohio Certified Prevention Specialist Assistant (OCPSA). Most recently, Reshawn was one of the many Ohio National Guard Members who were activated to travel to Washington, D.C. with the mission to protect and serve President Biden, Vice-President Harris, and our nation’s Capital. We are proud to support Reshawn and his fellow Ohio National Guard Members. Thank you Reshawn for your service to our country, to our state, and to Prevention Action Alliance. Build Your Prevention Skills Learn to Prevent Problem Gambling from National, State, and Local Leaders The 18th Ohio Problem Gambling Conference, presented by PGNO and sponsored by Ohio for Responsible Gambling, will be held virtually on Tuesdays and Thursdays during March 2021, which is Problem Gambling Awareness Month. This year's conference will once again bring together national experts, state leaders, and local innovators in problem gambling prevention, intervention, treatment, recovery, research, administration, and responsible gambling. Due to the virtual nature of this conference, we expect it to be our most far-reaching and impactful conference to date! The early registration rate is $50 and will close after February 1st, 2021. Registration will be $65 after and will not close until after the conference has concluded. To register, please visit Post-conference sessions include 3.0 contact hours of ethics for prevention and treatment. These sessions will be offered at a rate of $15. Attendees wanting to attend a post-conference session must register for it separately from or in addition to the main conference. Space is limited and will be first-come, first-serve. PGNO Members will receive complimentary post-conference registration. Contact [email protected] for details. Register for the Ohio Problem Gambling Conference Resources for Prevention Learn About Addiction Substance use disorder, is a chronic, complex brain disease that affects about 21 million, or 1 in 7, Americans, according to the U.S. Surgeon General’s report Facing Addiction in America. Addiction compels people to seek out drugs despite any negative consequences that might be incurred. As a disease, it hijacks the brain to create an intense craving for the addictive drug or behavior. That craving can override other thoughts and needs in the brain, including desires to care for an infant, build and maintain healthy relationships, work, have fun, take care of oneself, and protect oneself from harmful situations. It changes how you think and how you behave. Learn More about Addiction Know! To Put Self-Care and Connection into Practice in the New Year We’ve happily kicked 2020 to the curb and welcomed in 2021 with open arms. Now it is time to figure out what we want to make of this fresh, new year. If we learned anything in 2020, it is the importance of self-care and connection for a healthy mind and body. We may still be wearing masks, social distancing, and dealing with other COVID-related regulations, however, the time to get motivated, set new goals, and create joy is now. Students of all ages can and should be encouraged to do the same. When it comes to New Year resolutions, experts say that 60% of people abandon them within the first six months, while another 25% do so after just one week. With that in mind, instead of getting stuck on repeat, let’s focus on meaningful, achievable goals that promote well-being for ourselves and others Read Know! To Put Self-Care and Connection into Practice in the New Year Sign up for Know! Parent Tips Suicide in Ohio The Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services (OhioMHAS) released a four-part video series focused on the prevention of suicide and supports for people with mental health issues. Suicide in Ohio: Conversations, was developed between OhioMHAS and the Ohio Suicide Prevention Foundation and aired on The Ohio Channel and PBS stations starting December 10. The series features well-known leaders and experts in healthcare, as well as the parents of a young woman who died by suicide, and two University of Toledo football players who share their stories of loss and finding strength in mental health. This effort ties in with The Suicide Prevention Plan of Ohio, a statewide collaboration meant to define and build a service system that helps Ohioans recognize signs of suicide and know where to get help. Access the Videos Feeling Stressed, Anxious, or Depressed? Help Is Available. Call 1-800-720-9616. The Ohio CareLine is a toll-free emotional support call service created by the Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services and administered in community settings. Behavioral health professionals staff the CareLine 24 hours a day, 7 days/week. They offer confidential support in times of personal or family crisis when individuals may be struggling to cope with challenges in their lives. When callers need additional services, they will receive assistance and connection to local providers. Call 1-800-720-9616 to connect. Questions? Comments? Suggestions? Click here to email us. Prevention Action Alliance | 6171 Huntley Road, Suite G, Columbus, OH 43229 Unsubscribe [email protected] Update Profile | About our service provider Sent by [email protected] powered by Try email marketing for free today!
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