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Just News

for January 22, 2021

News and views from the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. Find more at For continuous updates, follow us on Twitter and Facebook.

Just Announced

It’s On(line): The Just Economy Conference
May 3 - 4, 2021
We are excited to announce the first round of tickets are for sale for the 2021 Just Economy Conference. The conference will be online May 3-4, with more programming before and after. This first round of tickets is limited to the first 300 seats, so you’ll need to act fast to get one! [Register Now]

NCRC Launches $5 Million Field Empowerment Fund To Support Nonprofits And CDFIs That Promote Wealth In Traditionally Underserved Communities
The Field Empowerment Fund will supply grants ranging in amount from $50,000 to $250,000 for a one-year period with the goal of scaling up innovative investments that promote wealth in traditionally underserved communities. [Read More]


NCRC Executive Jenn Jones Appointed Chief Of Staff At HUD
Jenn Jones, Chief of Membership and Policy at the National Community Reinvestment Coalition, was appointed Chief of Staff at the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). [Read More]

GROWTH By NCRC And Greenlining Realty USA Celebrate Completion Of Nine Housing Units In West Woodlawn
The project in South Chicago’s historical neighborhood was designed to help reverse long-term impacts of redlining. [Read More]

GROWTH By NCRC And Benedict-Allen Community Development Corporation Announce The Completion Of Eight New Affordable Homes
This new development is situated on previously vacant land, creating new “infill” housing in the neighborhood around Benedict College’s campus. [Read More]


An Astonishing Web Of Laws And Policies Will Need To Be Revised To Set The Nation On The Right Course
By Jesse Van Tol
Congratulations to President Joe Biden and to Kamala Harris, who today achieved many firsts as Vice President of the United States: Black, South Asian, woman and mom. [Read More]

A Steely National Resolve Is Needed To Achieve An Equitable Recovery
By Gerron Levi
The nation has to be deliberate in its focus on an equitable recovery for vulnerable communities. It simply will not happen on its own. [Read More]


How Can Geographical Areas On CRA Exams Work For Branchless Banks?
NCRC recommends that the regulatory agencies consider loans per thousand people as a means of identifying assessment areas (AAs) for branchless banks and determining the weights various AAs will have on CRA exams. [Read More]

Research Brief: Bank Branch Closure Update (2017-2020)
In this brief, NCRC Research explored the impact, as well as consequences, of the shifting in bank branch availability across the nation. [Read More]


Resources To Help Support The Black Lives Matter Movement
If you are interested in supporting Black Lives Matter, these resources may be helpful for you. [Read more]

NCRC COVID-19 Resource Page
We've compiled and are updating an index of COVID-19 resources for communities, small businesses, individuals and organizations that serve them, such as housing counseling agencies. [Read more]


HUD Exam Prep – Part III: Tips & Tools For Studying
January 26, 2:00 pm ET - 3:30 pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy to learn your preferred learning style so you can study more effectively for the HUD exam. [Register now]

HUD Exam Prep – Part IV: Pathway To Certification
January 27, 2:00 pm ET - 3:30 pm ET
Join NCRC's Training Academy as we guide you through the HUD certification process and discuss what you will need to maintain your certification. [Register now]

SBA Loan Assistance Q&A
January 29, 10:00 am ET - 11:00 am ET
Join the DC Women's Business Center with Rod Johnson from the SBA to learn more about the new Paycheck Protection Program, Economic Injury Disaster Grant, Shuttered Venue Operators Grant and other financial assistance guidance to help small businesses navigate the pandemic. [Register now]

Banking Relationship: How and Why?
February 3, 11:00 am ET - 12:00 pm ET
Join the DC Women's Business Center to discuss how and why women entrepreneurs should establish and nurture a banking relationship. [Register now]

Innovative Digital Marketing For 2021
February 9, 11:00 am ET - 12:00 pm ET
Join the DC Women's Business Center and the RINGLET Team as they give you a broad scope of how you can optimize your online sales this year. RINGLET is an innovative impact company that provides integrated marketing for small businesses. [Register now]

In the News

Biden Is Expected to Tap Michael Barr as Comptroller of the Currency
By Andrew Ackerman and Andrew Restuccia, The Wall Street Journal
“The next head of the comptroller of the currency has their work cut out for them,” said Jesse Van Tol, chief executive of the National Community Reinvestment Coalition. [Read More]

Your Fair and Responsible Banking Program in 2021 and Beyond
By Nicholas Roesler, CRCM
In July 2020, a study was released by the National Community Reinvestment Coalition regarding Paycheck Protection Program loans that used matched-pair testing, and it noted past matched-pair “mystery shopper” tests were conducted by the NCRC in 2017, 2019 and earlier in 2020. The twist on this study was that the mystery shopping was conducted over the phone. [Read More]

Housing industry welcomes President Joe Biden
By Kelsey Ramírez, Housing Wire
“Congratulations to President Joe Biden and to Kamala Harris, who today achieved many firsts as Vice President of the United States: Black, South Asian, woman and mom,” NCRC CEO Jesse Va Tol said. “Our political and cultural divisions are deep, but I’m hopeful for better national leadership and for a future that includes less racism, less hate, more love and more truth." [Read More]

On Our Radar

Biden Team Lays Groundwork To Reverse Trump-era Banking Policies
By Brendan Pedersen, Neil Haggerty, American Banker
Observers see the early moves as a sign that the administration will try to unwind Trump-era polices ranging from the Office of the Comptroller's fair-access rule and Community Reinvestment Act reforms, to deregulatory actions carried out by the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau. [Read More]

Kamala Harris Is Making History. Don’t Let Hatred And Fear Take That Away.
By Fabiola Cineas, Vox
"This is a major moment for America, its opportunity to finally confirm that women, particularly women of color, have helped cultivate the best version of America." [Read More]

Amanda Gorman Captures the Moment, in Verse
By Alexandra Alter, The New York Times
"But while democracy can be periodically delayed, it can never be permanently defeated." [Read More]

The ‘Whitewashing’ Of Black Wall Street
Tracy Jan, The Washington Post
A century after the Tulsa massacre, Black entrepreneurs in the city’s Greenwood district feel threatened with erasure yet again, amid demands for reparations. [Read More]

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