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Coronavirus: National lockdown

Oldham, along with the rest of England, is in a national lockdown. There is no exception for anyone who has received a vaccination.

More information on what a national lockdown means and the impact on businesses, the limitations on exercise etc. is available here: 
Vaccination priority groups
Vaccinations are already underway in our borough for the four identified priority groups:
  1. Older care home residents and staff
  2. Over 70s
  3. Frontline health and social care workers
  4. Clinically extremely vulnerable residents
We aim to vaccinate these groups by mid-February. Other priority groups will then follow in age and potential risk order. Vaccinations are also being carried out separately at care homes and hospitals in Oldham.

For more information on the COVID-19 vaccination, first phase priority groups click here.

How you will be contacted for your vaccine
If you are registered with a GP in Oldham, you will be contacted directly from your practice or an NHS representative when it is your turn to be vaccinated. You may receive a call from a mobile phone number but the caller will identify themselves. 

If you are eligible and haven't been vaccinated by your GP already, you may also receive another invitation from the NHS offering you the option of attending the Mass Vaccination Centre at the Etihad Campus in Manchester or a local pharmacy. If you have already booked an appointment with your GP practice, you can ignore this letter.

It is important that you attend your vaccination appointment. But if for any reason you can’t, let your GP know as soon as possible so your slot can be offered to another resident. 

Further information on how you will be contacted and who by is available here.  

Please share this information with your family and friends.

Beware of vaccine scams
It has been brought to our attention that vaccine scams are circulating in the borough.

We want to reassure you that the callers booking your vaccination appointments will not ask for any other personal details other than asking you to confirm your name. They certainly will not ask for any money

Another incident that has been reported to us is someone knocking on doors offering the vaccine. This again is a scam. Please don't let this person into your home or accept anything from them.

Please share this information with your family and friends. 

Vaccine facts
There are many myths flying around about the Coronavirus vaccine so to try and put your minds at rest we've addressed some of the most popular ones on our website here. We've also published the facts here too.

If you know someone who is undecided about having the vaccine please share this information with them. It's really important that as many people as possible take up the opportunity to be vaccinated, to stay safe and save lives.

Rapid testing 
Rapid Covid testing for people who cannot work from home and are not showing symptoms is taking place in Oldham. Appointments are not required, are free, and results are back within an hour. Full details can be found here

Had to close your business? Apply for a business grant
Has your business legally had to close? Help is available. Apply for a business grant now.
Grants for certain sectors whose trade has been impacted by restrictions and a wide range of discretionary schemes are also available. To get support, click here

Every mind matters
Having good mental health helps us relax more, achieve more and enjoy our lives more. The NHS have expert advice and practical tips to help you look after your mental health and wellbeing. Visit their website here to find out more. 

Support for parents
Our Mental Wellbeing team have been working with charity, Bounce Forward who have put this video together to support parents during this difficult time. You’ll learn techniques to help your wellbeing because you matter too. Watch the video here

Let’s Talk Budget
We want you to have your say on our budget proposals. 

We’re looking to save more than £30million as a result of the continuing financial pressures of the Coronavirus and increased demand for services. 

We’ve come up with a range of proposals to cut spending and change the way the council operates. These proposals are now available to view here

For more information and advice about council services, visit


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Oldham Council · Civic Centre · West Street · Oldham, OL1 1UT · United Kingdom