Right now, a new Congress is starting their work to build our national budget. And right now, Congress needs to hear that you still care about ending slavery.
Take 10 seconds to sign our petition and tell your representatives on Capitol Hill to make sure the life-saving work of our nation’s anti-slavery initiatives are fully funded!
IJM advocates like you help ensure that the U.S. government continues to fund key anti-slavery programs around the world each year. To date, your efforts have paid off with more than $60 million allocated to these projects annually. This money ensures the life-saving work of the Trafficking in Persons (TIP) office and the Program to End Modern Slavery (PEMS) are fully funded.
This year, our new Congress will weigh the importance of this work and decide whether to fund these efforts to end slavery. John, you have the power to advocate for an end to slavery and influence Congress to fund these crucial initiatives.
By allocating money to these anti-slavery programs, Congress can save countless lives. Sign our petition and tell your representatives to ensure these programs are fully funded!
Thank you, John, for using your voice to make real change in the lives of those trapped in slavery. Once you sign the petition, be sure to share it with your friends and family as well!
Thank you,
Nate King National Director, U.S. Advocacy & Mobilization