22 January 2021


Low-paid workers in the UK more than twice as likely to lose a job in pandemic

Scotland: Vaping industry calls for a click-and-collect reprieve


Egypt imposes new taxes on cigarettes

US: FDA issues warning to firms that did not submit PMTA applications to stop selling products

Link of the Week

ASH Webinars


Low-paid workers in the UK more than twice as likely to lose a job in pandemic


The UK’s lowest-paid workers are more than twice as likely to have lost their jobs in the coronavirus pandemic than higher-paid employees, according to a study by the Institute of Employment Studies (IES).
The report — based on findings from workshops and interviews with stakeholders involved in research, advocacy, and public policy on low pay, as well as 40 low-paid workers — states that losses have been driven by falls in lower-paying jobs. The study reveals one in 20 low-paid workers had lost their job in each quarter since the pandemic struck – equivalent to 250,000 workers across Britain – compared with one in 50 of those on higher wages. The study defined low pay as less than £9.50 an hour, and £10.85 an hour in London.
The report also shows that many were slipping through cracks in the government’s emergency support schemes such as furlough. It said low-paid workers reported being denied furlough, having their hours cut, being expected to work without adequate protection, and seeing their living costs increase while their incomes fell in many cases.
The report calls on the government to provide better support for low-paid workers during the pandemic and for statutory sick pay to be increased to at least £200 a week, more than double the current £95.85. Tony Wilson, the institute’s director, said: “This [report] shows the unequal nature of the pandemic. With unemployment set to rise sharply this year, we are likely still in the foothills of the employment crisis, but it has already taken a significant toll on low-paid workers. We can take action now and at the budget to address this. Looking further ahead, we need to plan for the recovery and ensure that we put full employment and decent work at the heart of it.”

Source: The Guardian, 22 January 2021


See also: IES:  Laid low - The impacts of the Covid-19 crisis on low-paid and insecure workers


Editorial note


 At this time of uncertainty articles are being included in Daily News if they cover issues likely to have an impact on tobacco control or smoking cessation even if they are not specifically mentioned.

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Scotland: Vaping industry calls for a click-and-collect reprieve

Vape stores must continue to offer a click-and-collect service in Scotland to maintain progress on the country’s public health strategy, according to the UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA).
A quarter of Scottish smokers (26%) said that they had been smoking more heavily since the first lockdown began in March 2020. This trend coincided with the closure of stop smoking services and specialist vaping retailers during the pandemic, says UKVIA.
UKVIA has repeatedly called for vape shops to be granted essential retailer status during the coronavirus pandemic. Vaping retailer and manufacturer VPZ, has also written to the health ministers and public health officials highlighting its concerns.
Source: Talking Retail, 19 January 2021

Editorial note

The UK Vaping Industry Association includes tobacco companies in its membership. For more information, see here: Tobacco Tactics - UK Vaping Industry Association (UKVIA)

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Egypt imposes new taxes on cigarettes

Egypt will begin collecting an additional one Egyptian pound ($0.064) for every pack of cigarettes sold in the local market starting July 2021, the General Authority for Health Insurance announced on this week.
The authority said in a statement that the increase in tariffs would apply to both “local and international cigarette brands,” adding that another 10% of taxes would be imposed on all tobacco products. The statement pointed out that the new law was imposing “an additional 25 Egyptian piasters ($0.016) every three years, until the total increase hits 1.5 Egyptian pounds ($0.095) by July 2027.”
The agency said that the revenue would be put towards “enhancing the country’s public medical services.”
Source: Middle East Monitor, 21 January 2021

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US: FDA issues warning to firms that did not submit PMTA applications to stop selling products


The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) sent warning letters to 10 companies for selling electronic nicotine delivery systems (ENDS) — specifically e-liquids — even though they did not file premarket tobacco applications (PMTAs) by the 9th September 2020 deadline.
The FDA requires vaping companies to provide a Premarket Tobacco Product Application (PMTA), which will include scientific data to show a product is appropriate for public consumption. Once an application is submitted, companies can keep selling their products for a year until the FDA completes its review, unless there is a negative action taken by the FDA on the application.
The companies have 15 working days from receiving the warning letters to detail how they intend to address the agency's concerns, including the dates on which the company discontinued the sale and distribution of the tobacco products, and its plans for maintaining compliance.

Source: Convenience Store News, 19 January 2021

See also: FDA press release 

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ASH Webinars

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See here for all our webinars: https://ash.org.uk/local-resources/webinars/   

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