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TRAITOR: Liz Cheney gets 2022 primary challenger after Trump impeachment vote
Excellent. Every anti-Trump Republican must be primaried. If not, then the Republican Party will simply go the way of the Whig Party, and a new political party will need to be established. A party that represents Team Trump. A political party is ...

YOUTUBE CAUGHT RED-HANDED Removing Dislikes from Biden White House Page — Disables Comments After Avalanche of Anti-Biden Responses
As a documentary filmmaker/colleague points out, “The people who work in big tech know the real numbers. They are absolutely terrified because they see the real numbers which is why they are going after us. They know that no one supports Biden ...

KY Republicans Censure Mitch McConnell After His Outrageous Attack on President Trump: “This Is Not Consistent With What He Promised Us When He Was Running”
Take out the trash, Kentucky!

“This Is Not Consistent With What He Promised Us When He Was Running” – KY Republicans Censure Mitch McConnell After His Outrageous Attack on President Trump

Earlier this week, before he lost his post as ...

Virginia state Sen. Amanda Chase stripped from committee assignment after connection to Trump rally
Democrat-media syndicate are picking us off one by one just like their leftist predecessors before them in the Gestapo, Stasi, KGB etc…

Virginia state Sen. Amanda Chase stripped from committee assignment after connection to Trump rally

By ...

Totalitarian America: Priest SUSPENDED For Attending Pro-Trump rally at US Capitol
Crushing our unalienable rights under the boot of communist Democrats.

Priest suspended for attending pro-Trump rally at US Capitol

Archpriest Mark Hodges has been suspended for attending the “Stop the Steal” rally ahead of the

By ...

Beijing Biden Inauguration Ratings LOWEST in History
Donald Trump’s inauguration ratings were the second-highest in 36 years, according to Nielsen. The swearing-in of Donald Trump was seen by 30.6 million viewers across 12 networks.

And remember, no one attends the inauguration, America was ...

Beijing Biden’s Disbanding of 1776 Commission Shows Left’s Hatred for America
There are two Americas – those that hate America and those that love and cherish her. Time to re-establish the Republic. Communist Democrats can set up their own slave state.

Biden’s Disbanding of 1776 Commission Shows Left’s War on U.S. ...

‘President’ Pedo Biden Declares Little Girls Have To Share Their Bathrooms With Boys
Moms, put your little ones in diapers when you send them to school. Better yet, don't send them to public school at all. Save them.

Democrats demand you sacrifice your children to them.

On his first day, the demented pervert in the White ...

Democrats Call for ‘Army of Citizen Detectives’ to Monitor & Report Trump Supporters
In the well-worn tradition of the Stasi, Gestapo, KGB…..

America did not vote for this. Stolen.

Left Calls for ‘Army of Citizen Detectives’ to Monitor & Report Trump Supporters

By: Joshua Klein, Breitbart, 19 Jan 2021:

Many on ...

Beijing Biden Appoints CIA Director With A 7-Year-Long Relationship with Chinese Communist Party
America did not vote for the Biden crime family.


Biden Just Picked A CIA Director With a 7-Year-Long Relationship with Chinese Communist Party Fronts

Bill Burns – Joe Biden’s pick to lead the Central Intelligence Agency – ...


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