The "Culture of Death" is alive and well in the Evergreen State where new legislation would allow non-doctors to perform assisted suicides. 

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January 21, 2021
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Washington Bill to Let Non-Doctors Participate in Assisted Suicide

When selling the legalization of assisted suicide, activists always promise that strict guidelines will protect against abuse. Now, the Washington State legislature is proposing a bill that would allow non-doctors be part of the assisted suicide bureaucratic process. 

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Hospice Workers Should Be at the Front of the Vaccine Line Too

We all know that residents in long-term-care/assisted-living facilities and frontline health-care personnel make up Phase 1a of the CDC vaccine distribution plan, putting them — rightly — at the front of the vaccine line. But not all medical workers are apparently created equal. 

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Big Tech Now the Fourth Branch of Government?

Now that Big Tech has flexed its considerable muscles so easily — and with general support — expect it to increasingly socially excommunicate those whose advocacy or enterprises offend its CEOs’ views about what constitutes a proper society. This is a crisis of liberty even if the government isn’t posing the threat.

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World Medical Association Wants Worldwide 'Climate Emergency' Declared

Declaring a “climate emergency” would open the door to the same kind of rule by diktat over environmental policy that we see now in the fight against COVID. Imagine Governors having the kind of power they now wield to fight COVID to implement left-wing environmental policies, and you can envision the authoritarian possibilities of such a policy.

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