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Dr. Behe Explains Intelligent Design, a Death Knell for Darwin

> Watch the interview
Dear John xxxxxx,

I think you’ll really enjoy this interview with Dr. Michael J. Behe about Intelligent Design.

> Here it is.

After Dr. Behe ran laboratory experiments, he discovered that Darwin’s hypothesis could not explain the complexity of life.

There’s another powerful post I want to share with you.

Since the infamous Roe v Wade decision occurred on Jan. 22, I’m sending you the powerful testimony of Dr. Anthony Levatino -- a former abortionist -- whose speech is changing hearts and minds.

> Dr. Levatino Destroys Abortion in about 2 Minutes (Video)

Those who saw the video said:

“That changed my thoughts on abortion.”
-- Kenny


“This video saved a life today!”
-- Michael Anderson

So, please share Dr. Levatino’s testimony.

I also wanted to give you a bit of good news!

TFP Student Action held a successful student conference in Florida.

The event focused on the battle between good and evil throughout history up to our present time, based on Prof. Plinio Corrêa de Oliveira’s brilliant book Revolution and Counter-Revolution.

You’ll enjoy the video about the conference, featuring a street campaign against socialism.

> Here’s the video about the conference.

As always -- thank you for fighting good fight.
John Ritchie
TFP Student Action, Director
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TFP Student Action
1358 Jefferson Rd, Spring Grove, PA 17362
(717) 225-7147 ext. 229
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