Yesterday we celebrated. Now we get to work.

Free Press Action
2 years of opportunity. Help drive lasting change.

Friend — Yesterday, we let ourselves take a breath of relief as we celebrated the inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. The shift of political power in D.C. could not be more meaningful. And the significance of Harris as the first woman, the first Black person and the first South Asian person to serve as vice president cannot be overstated.

But now we need to get to work — because every single day until the 2022 midterm elections, when the political balance could again shift, is a critical opportunity to accelerate the fight for real change.

We need your help to take full advantage of this time of great opportunity: Become a monthly donor now to ensure that Free Press Action has the resources we need throughout the year to seize every opportunity and confront every challenge that arises.

As Joe Biden acknowledged in his inauguration speech, our democracy is under assault in a way none of us have experienced before. Our lives are still in real danger from COVID-19 and the threat of white-supremacist violence.

We’ve heard Joe Biden speak out for racial justice and against disinformation. We’ve even heard him promise to close the digital divide and bring affordable internet access to all.

But we have also seen promises go unfulfilled. We have seen good intentions bend to “political necessities”. We’re determined to fight with all we’ve got to make sure the possibilities of this historic moment are realized.

Become a monthly donor now — and you’ll help make sure our movement for media justice, racial justice and human rights can drive as much change as possible before Mitch McConnell has a chance to retake the Senate and obstruct every chance for real progress.

Thanks to our donors’ support, Free Press Action is ready for this moment. We know what must be done, and we know who we need to work with.

As you think about what might be possible over the next two years, I want you to remember what our movement was able to achieve this past year, thanks to activists and supporters like you:

  • We worked with the House to pass the HEROES Act, essential legislation that would help close the digital divide.
  • We led the recruitment of 1,000+ major companies, from Coca-Cola to Ford to Target, to boycott Facebook ads, demanding that they stop profiting from hate.
  • We drove Reddit’s new anti-hate policies and pushed Twitter and YouTube to ban white supremacists like former KKK Grand Wizard David Duke.
  • We continued our long-running legal fight for diverse media ownership, and defended our case all the way to the Supreme Court.

And here’s one I know you’ll remember — together, we got Donald Trump banned from Twitter.

Now, I want you to imagine how much we stand to accomplish over the next two years: Become a monthly donor today to provide the reliable source of funding we need to bring about the most transformative change possible.

Thank you for everything you do to support the fight against disinformation and hate, and for access to truthful, lifesaving information for all.

In solidarity,


P.S. We have waited a long time for this moment. We barely let ourselves hope that we’d have this much opportunity ahead of us until the results of Georgia’s runoffs came in. We are determined to bring as much real change as possible before Mitch McConnell can try to retake the Senate and obstruct any chance for real justice. Become a monthly donor now to help ensure we have the resources we need all year to take advantage of every opportunity and confront every challenge that arises.

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