Yesterday I was honored to attend the inauguration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris and to usher in a new era in our nation's history.

An era of healing — from a deadly virus, from a toxic division in our politics, and from our shameful history of racism. An era of diverse leadership, where children of every race and gender can imagine themselves as President, Vice President, and more.

In January 2017, exactly four years ago today, we took to the streets to make it clear that we would resist, persist, and organize. And we did. From the women's marches, to the Black Lives Matter movement and reckoning for racial justice people stood up, spoke out, marched, voted, volunteered, ran for office and more.

Now, four years later, our victories are coming into view. We've defeated Donald Trump, we've taken back the House and Senate, and inaugurated our first woman Vice President. And now we begin the hard work of turning electoral victories into policy victories.

Along with Vice President Kamala Harris, President Biden has nominated eleven women to Cabinet-level posts — including six women of color — appointed women in key White House staff roles, and is building the most diverse administration in history.

2021 is about a new direction for America, and what comes next. Donate $3 right now and let's kick off this new era with strength and determination.

As poet laureate Amanda Gorman eloquently described, we are a nation that is not broken but simply unfinished, and reminded us "there is always light if only we're brave enough to see it, if only we're brave enough to be it."

Time to get to work.

Donate now and let's make a difference together.

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