Dear Friend,

Yesterday, we filed a groundbreaking joint federal lawsuit against Twitter on behalf of a minor who was trafficked on their site. Instead of removing exploitative videos of John Doe, Twitter did nothing, eventually reporting back to the family that the video in question did not in fact violate any of their policies.

By refusing to act and take down the child sexual abuse material featuring John Doe, even when informed by multiple channels, Twitter enabled the sexual abuse of a minor and profited off this abuse. It’s time for corporations—it's time for Twitter—to be held accountable under the law for putting profits before people.

We have reliable information and evidence that Twitter consistently has over 100,000 child sexual abuse images on its platform at any given time, while pretending to guard against it.

The law certainly doesn’t protect child sexual abuse material, and it should not and cannot protect companies like Twitter who turn a blind eye to the sexually abusive, degrading, and illegal material scattered throughout its platform.

Help us spread the word about this lawsuit!

We've published a blog post and a landing page with John Doe's story, including easy-to-share graphics, tweets, and facts about the case against Twitter.

Please join us in sharing this widely using #CleanUpTwitter, and be sure to sign up on the webpage to stay updated on forthcoming news regarding the lawsuit!

Also, check out what some major news outlets have published about the lawsuit.


Dawn Hawkins
Senior Vice President and Executive Director
National Center on Sexual Exploitation

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