
We kicked out the most corrupt president in history and we’re ready to take action to pass reform!

Yesterday, President Biden set the tone in his inaugural address when he said, “Today, we celebrate the triumph not of a candidate, but of a cause, the cause of democracy.” 

Sign our massive joint petition calling on Congress to take action and send historic democracy reform to Biden’s desk NOW! We need 100,000 signers to send our demand to Congress. Will you add your voice?

John, this is the time to take action. President Biden won the election with a huge mandate to restore our democracy. It’s critical that we keep up momentum and hold him to his promise to pass reform. 

HR1, the For The People Act, would be the most important democracy reform passed into law in a generation. 

The legislation would:

Basically, the impact of HR1 would be huge. It would transform our political system into one that is more inclusive, responsive, and representative of the American people - in other words, NOT controlled by TOXIC big money!

But we need to make sure Members of Congress hear our voices and have a sense of urgency to pass reform. Sign our massive joint petition now to make sure Congress hears us loud and clear!

We were inspired by President Biden’s call to save democracy yesterday. But we know real reform will only happen if we take big, bold action, and make our voices heard.

And there’s so much on the line! From healthcare, to the environment, gun control, and so many other issues, it’s time to END the role of toxic campaign cash, billionaire donors, and racist vote suppressors, once and for all.

It’s go time!

-HAZMAT America 



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HAZMAT America

1701 K Street NW, Suite 750

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United States


Paid for by HAZMAT America LLC • Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee •
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