Folks — It’s no secret that there’s a lot of shady money in politics.

It’s also no secret how we ended up here. Eleven years ago today, the Supreme Court handed down their decision in Citizens United and opened the floodgates for dark money to corrupt our elections and our government.

That disastrous decision, along with years of weakening campaign finance laws, have wreaked havoc on our institutions. And I pledge my darndest to put an end to it.

For far too long, special interests have spent big money to buy influence and tip the scales in their favor. Candidates and elected officials have even encouraged it — allowing dark money groups to line their pockets and pull the strings in Washington.

But politics does not have to be this way. My campaign refused to accept a dime from corporate PACs, because at the end of the day, the only person I answer to is you.

So, will you sign your name next to mine on my petition demanding that Congress fix Citizens United and stop the flood of money to Washington?


Thanks for taking action. Together, we can get dark money out of our politics for good.

— John