BREAKING NEWS via POLITICO: “Kamala Harris teased a sweeping immigration reform bill that [the] administration plans to introduce.”
One of the most important takeaways? “Harris says the bill would “grant green cards immediately to immigrants protected by the Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals policies.”
For four years, Donald Trump terrorized the immigrant community. He made it his mission to end DACA and deport DREAMers. He separated families at the border. He convinced millions that immigrants “don't belong here.”
As a new administration takes charge in Washington, we need to know if you have the Biden-Harris administration's back on reforming our broken immigration system and if you believe DREAMers deserve protection. Please, let us know where you stand now:
Do you support a path to citizenship for DREAMers?
Thank you for sharing your thoughts with us in these crucial moments.
-A Woman's Place

A Woman's Place PAC
PO Box 15320
Washington, DC 20003
United States