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John, the liberty movement must make a serious investment in our future or face extinction while our country embraces big government and socialism in both parties. 

Fortunately, I am confident we will grow our ranks and spread the message of liberty in 2021 and beyond. 

I am making a big announcement: I am partnering with the Advocates for Self-Government to spread the message of liberty and recruit new members to our cause!

Who are the Advocates for Self-Government (ASG)? 

The Advocates are a community that champions our values of self-government. You recognize these values including voluntary association, personal responsibility, and neighborly assistance. Their mission is to equip people to understand, embrace, and advocate the values of self-government.

You are probably already familiar with them. Have you ever taken “The World’s Smallest Political Quiz”?

(Photo of Ron Paul taking the Quiz and supporting the Advocates! Mike Sertic (President of ASG) is on the left and Chris Rufer (Chairman of ASG) is on the right.)
The Advocates have created this short quiz anyone can take on a notecard or online. The results show them where they fall on the political spectrum. The Quiz is often the FIRST time people ever hear the word, “libertarian”. 

In fact, the Advocates for Self Government have identified millions of new small “L” and capital “L” libertarians since 1985. Here is what Ron Paul has to say about the Advocates for Self-Government:
“The World’s Smallest Political Quiz is responsible for many Americans’ first contact with libertarian ideas. While traveling around the country, I have often heard people say, ‘I never knew I was a libertarian until I took the Quiz!” - Dr. Ron Paul
I am personally a supporter of the Advocates for Self-Government and have been since 1993! I’ve even handed out the quizzes myself at fairs and witnessed how eye-opening the quiz can be for people who have never considered our ideas before. 

John, I spoke with Mike Sertic, the President of the Advocates for Self-Government, and asked how I can help. He’s informed me ASG is investing in greater online efforts to identify more libertarians and capture more “Quiz takers”. 

I gave Mike my word I would help him raise $25,000 to support these efforts. John, can I count on your help to reach this goal? You can click here to chip in $10, $35, $50, $100, $250, $500, $1,000, or even more.

How do Mike and the Advocates for Self Government create results and grow the liberty movement? 

Once someone completes the Quiz, they are continually educated about the ideas of freedom, free markets, self-government, and civil liberties. It’s not uncommon for Quiz takers who identify as Republicans or Democrats to learn they have some libertarian tendencies they did not realize. 

If someone completes the Quiz and they score as libertarian, The Advocates provides them additional resources to get involved, learn more, and help them join the liberty movement. 

The Advocates provides many libertarian student organizations with outreach kits featuring the Quiz in order to help them grow their numbers on college campuses. Countless numbers of people have entered our movement from taking the Quiz. 

The Advocates for Self-Government has a goal to acquire 1 million new Quiz takers in 2021. I promised Mike Sertic I would help them raise $25,000 so they can begin investing in online efforts. Please consider donating by using one of the links I’ve copied below:

Donate $10 >>>
Donate $25 >>>
Donate $50 >>>
Donate $100 >>>
Donate $250 >>>
Donate $500 >>>
Donate $1,000 >>>
Donate Any Amount >>>

Thank you so much for your support in this effort, John. Once you donate, either Mike Sertic or a member of his team will do their best to reach out and PERSONALLY thank you for joining the Advocates. 

Thank you for everything, 

Jo Jorgensen 

Copyright © 2021 Advocates for Self-Government, All rights reserved.
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Copyright © 2021 Advocates for Self-Government, All rights reserved.
The Liberator Online is the newsletter of the Advocates for Self-Government. It is the best way to stay current on libertarian news, events, and communication techniques.

Our mailing address is:
Advocates for Self-Government
500 Capitol Mall, Suite 2050
Sacramento, CA 95814

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