Here’s why we have to be concerned: this is the age of Donald Trump. Self-obsessed millionaires who are willing to self-fund their campaigns see that maybe now they can win an election, and you and I both know there’s plenty of those in Ro’s district.

Ro Khanna

Here’s the good news: right now, Ro doesn’t have a single Republican challenging him for office. So far, our fundraising stats, progressive power, and powerful campaign have been able to scare all of the opponents off.

But here’s the bad news: our fundraising has slowed down considerably, so that might not last forever.

Here’s the reality: the amount of people who donate to our campaign is a great way of measuring the strength of our movement. Right now, we’re behind where we were last quarter.

So I need your help to close the gap. Can you make a small donation of $3, $10, or even $27 right now to close the gap? It doesn’t matter what you give — just that you gave:

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Here’s why we have to be concerned: this is the age of Donald Trump. Self-obsessed millionaires who are willing to self-fund their campaigns see that maybe now they can win an election, and you and I both know there’s plenty of those in Ro’s district.

We’re already hearing rumors about people looking into a run, and if someone does, that would force Ro off the campaign trail for Bernie and our national progressive movement.

But not if we can show a powerful end-of-quarter report to scare them off. Will you donate $3 before our end-of-quarter deadline in just four days?

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Together, we’re building a democracy that works for working-class people — not billionaires, not massive corporations, and not wealthy elites. That makes Ro a target of powerful special interests, because he’s willing to rock the boat.

But we’re more powerful than they are. And in the end, we will win.

In solidarity,


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