John -

Political analysts are busy predicting that if current trends continue, Texas could turn blue in the next election. And if it does, so does the White House––for the foreseeable future.

Please read that again, because it’s no wild prediction.

Today’s Democratic candidates are extreme. Their platform: Abortion-at-any-stage. Pro-LGBT “Ban the Bible” bills. Radical sex education for young children. Crushing attacks on religious freedom.

Unfortunately, most voters in Texas just don’t know how extreme they are. That’s where our Faith & Family Scorecard comes in. It’s also where you come in.

Your immediate support will help us equip Texas voters with the truth>>>

...the 2018 Election saw Texas districts flip from pro-family conservatives like Matt Rinaldi, with a 100% scorecard rating, to radicals like Julie Johnson, a LGBT activist who scored 0%.

...Texas House Democrats averaged a 3% score. A Texas House run by Democrats would be disastrous for the future of Texas.

Republicans lost 12 state house seats in the 2018 election. LGBT advocates has announced plans to flip 9 more seats in 2020––and if that happens, the Texas House will flip Democrat.

Say goodbye to protecting religious freedom or the lives of the unborn. 

But we’re not backing down. In light of the radical shift among Texas Democrats, our strategy is simple. Get the truth into as many hands as possible.

Our 2019 Faith & Family Scorecard will do exactly that. It is the most comprehensive pro-family accountability tool of its kind in Texas, measuring how state legislators voted on our core issues, including religious freedom, marriage & family, and life.

Make a generous gift to help us get this essential information to every Texan>>>

We must significantly increase our statewide outreach with additional funding. We urgently need the resources to start immediately. Will you give today?

There’s so much left to do––as the Left’s covert war to infiltrate and takeover Texas wages more fiercely than ever. Like never before, the nation’s eyes are on Texas.

Your financial partnership equips us to keep fighting, keep defending our liberties, and keep telling the truth to those who so desperately need to hear it.

Thank you for standing with us!


Jonathan Saenz
President, Texas Values Action

P.S. We can stop the predicted, radical takeover of Texas––by simply spreading the truth. We’ve prepared a powerful new Scorecard to share it, and your generous gift can equip us to spread it Texas-wide. Will you take a stand with a generous donation?

900 Congress Ave. Suite L115 | Austin, TX 78701 | 512.478.2220

Texas Values Action is the 501(c)(4) advocacy arm of Texas Values, a non-profit organization dedicated to standing for faith, family, and freedom in Texas. All donations to Texas Values Action are not tax-deductible and will be used at the sole discretion of Texas Values Action. Copyright © 2019 Texas Values Action, All rights reserved.
