Don Wildmon formed AFA for this very purpose
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Please forward this email to your family and friends. Be sure to share this on your social media too.

Dear John,

If you look forward to having your annual Cadbury Crème Egg each Easter season, you might not like how the company celebrates the risen Savior.

Cadbury just released a commercial that has resulted in a backlash of comments from Christians and non-Christians alike. Everything from "disgusting" and "very disappointing" to "yech" and "gross."

Todd Starnes best describes the ad this way: "It's like Disney's 'Lady and the Tramp' scene where the two dogs share spaghetti. Except, it's two grown men spinning around in a circle and sharing a creme-filled chocolate egg in a sexualized way."

The 10-second segment is part of a longer commercial called "Crème Egg Golden Goobilee," showing ways to eat a Cadbury Crème Egg. You can see it here. Warning: This video is graphic and offensive.

Cadbury makes a huge push to sell its Crème Eggs in America during the Easter season each year. A portion of each sale goes to help finance Cadbury's social agenda that has nothing to do with chocolates and candies.

If U.S. sales are strong, Cadbury just might bring this ad to American televisions for your children to see. Taking a stand now will send a strong signal that their eggs are cracked up.


Sign our pledge to keep Cadbury Crème Eggs off your shopping list. Let Cadbury know that if they are going to offend you, they won't be doing it with your money.





Tim Wildmon, President
American Family Association

Dr. Michael Brown, host of the AFA documentary In His Image: Delighting in God’s Plan for Gender and Sexuality, has noted the danger that promotions such as Cadbury's can have on teens and other youth. "There is so much confusion in our society today," Dr. Brown said. 'Same-sex attraction, same-sex marriage, gay Christianity, transgender identity, what’s right, what's wrong."

Learn more about God's design for gender and sexuality and how those struggling with these issues can find help through American Family Association's latest documentary, In His Image.



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