Folks, today is a historic day. Today we begin a new chapter for our nation with President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris.

We have a lot to celebrate today. President Biden is setting America on a path to build back better. We can begin to unite and heal our nation. And my dear friend and former U.S. Senator from California Kamala Harris broke barriers as the first woman and woman of color to be sworn in as Vice President.

We have a long road ahead of us. President Biden is inheriting the tremendous responsibility of restoring our nation’s economy and place of leadership on the global stage -- all while working to bring the COVID-19 pandemic to an end. I have full confidence he will move our country forward -- but he cannot do it alone.

As America’s largest economy and a model for what’s possible, California will be a full partner with the Biden-Harris administration, supporting their bold agenda by sharing our experiences implementing progressive policy on everything from workers’ rights to climate change.

In the past few years, the White House abdicated its responsibility on key issues like climate change, wildfires, and infrastructure -- and the lack of leadership on COVID-19 has been well chronicled and truly deadly. But every time we lacked a partner, California stepped up anyway.

Our progressive values brought about progress, even while facing resistance in Washington. Now, having a true partner in the White House -- and an administration aligned with so many of our values -- is a game-changer for Californians.

Today, I’m asking you to join me and commit to our fight for a better future for California and our nation.

We’ve got a lot of work to do, folks. Tackling COVID-19 and building our country back better than before will take all of us working together. Sign your name if you’re committed to the fights ahead to bring our nation forward -- I need to know you’re by my side.

Thank you,
